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  1. Shuzer

    If you get the GOLD pack from Steam, Do you get a HARD COPY of the game?

    No. You get an empty box, the same as the CE box, for collection purposes. No CDs or DVDs.
  2. Shuzer

    Could it be that System shock 2 is being remade???!!

    It's more like, bolts of psychic energy
  3. Shuzer

    Other payment forms come soon !!!

    Paypal anyone?
  4. Shuzer

    Paste your screenshots so far :D Just got this off CSNation.. wow, the keys come off the keyboard :eek:
  5. Shuzer

    CSS Is Extremly Ugly

    /me hugs his retail preorder
  6. Shuzer

    Why the hell is there a chinese hostage in the italy map?

    There are no Asian people in Italy at any time, ever.
  7. Shuzer

    CSS Is Extremly Ugly

    Turning up the jpeg quality won't change the geometry and amount of details in a map..
  8. Shuzer

    CSS Is Extremly Ugly

    Doom 3? Painkiller? MoH:PA? HL2? V:TMBL? It looks like crap compared to most modern games, including HL2..
  9. Shuzer

    CS:S Pics of the NEW "Office".

    Those screenshots actually look great, yay :thumbs:
  10. Shuzer

    CSS Is Extremly Ugly

    I'm going to have to agree, from the screens I've seen, CS:S looks awful. Yep, just saw those office shots, those looked nice.
  11. Shuzer

    cs_italy = no chickens

    NoOOOOOOOOOOoooo!!!!!!!1111 ;( Let's hold a moment of silence for the chickens.
  12. Shuzer

    Went on a screen-shot takeing spree for you all :)

    F5 is the default screenshot key. Make sure to set jpegquality to 100 through console. All screens taken by F5 will be stored in jpg format in your CS:S directory
  13. Shuzer

    Please stop my mom poisioning herself..

    Yeah, dump it down the garbage disposal and throw the cartons away..
  14. Shuzer

    What's your favourite D3 demon?

    The Mancubus was probably my favorite. Too bad you only battled maybe a dozen through the whole game :( Also, Sarge was the STUPIDEST boss I've ever seen
  15. Shuzer


    I don't touch type. I don't hunt and peck. I have my own method, whereas I don't look at the keyboard, and type 100+ WPM. Who needs touch typing when I can type like I do already?
  16. Shuzer

    The number of posts

    You have to pay money there. That sucks.
  17. Shuzer

    How do you get rid of cancer sours??

    Heart attack? Cyanide! That'll relieve you of your heart pains pretty quickly
  18. Shuzer

    Bush wired for sound ?

    Actually, recalling the debate, I remember he ran out of time and the PBS guy was about to cut him off. It didn't seem out of place at all in the debate when it took place.
  19. Shuzer

    The number of posts

    I have more! :p /me waits for Fenric to come in and complain that we're spamming.. raising his already #1 post count spot ;)
  20. Shuzer

    Who else is doing what im doing.

    Why would you want the sampler book? It's bits and pieces of the Strat guide mixed with the raising the bar book.. that's just insanity