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  1. Zyphria

    Will my pc be ok

    1.8ghz should be fine, really.
  2. Zyphria

    Could this run half life 2 ?

    To clarify the original question, yes 8x AGP cards are 100% compatible with 4x AGP mobos. Also, do NOT drop school, making up for it down the line is much much much harder. Even a few months can throw you off track.
  3. Zyphria

    Could this run half life 2 ?

    Motherboards that only support 2x AGP are not compatible with 8x AGP cards.
  4. Zyphria


    Drivers for ATI and Nvidia are written such that AF doesn't hurt framerates much either. Some prefer ATI's method though.
  5. Zyphria

    Mobo help

    Next time look to your computer manufacturer's website and provide more details up front. Right-click, save target (3.3mb PDF file). All the specs on your motherboard (which supports 2x and 4x AGP). Uses RIMM memory...
  6. Zyphria

    Adrian Shepherd

    Cyborg Adrian? *shiver*
  7. Zyphria

    Will my pc be ok

    Oh hell yeah, snag at least another 512mb of DDR Memory ($50-$75), and then maybe a Radeon 9500 Pro (depending on your budget).
  8. Zyphria


    Uh, hardware acceleration means that the video card does the hard work instead of your CPU.
  9. Zyphria

    Mobo help

    Do you have a Sony Electronics VAIO PCV-RX490TV Digital Studio computer?
  10. Zyphria

    Could this run half life 2 ?

    What's your budget?
  11. Zyphria

    Could this run half life 2 ?

    That is an AGP 4x slot, yours may be slightly longer, then it is an 8x AGP slot.
  12. Zyphria

    Raedeon 9500

    Raw performance would be maybe 10%-20% over the 4800. However the 4800 doesn't support DX9 and doesn't handle AA/AF nearly as well as the 9500.
  13. Zyphria

    errrr few questions

    I did, don't change from 128mb. Don't believe me? Read this post:
  14. Zyphria


    What is anisotropic filtering? "Think of the text in the titles at the beginning of the Star Wars movies that is presented in large letters and then scrolls back into the distance. As it scrolls off, it becomes fuzzy and hard to read. In a 3D image, you may want a comparable effect to retain...
  15. Zyphria

    errrr few questions

    Negative. 128mb AGP Aperture is all you really need for one, it acts as a sort of buffer for your AGP card, but it hardly means your video card can act like it has 256mb.
  16. Zyphria

    Could this run half life 2 ?

    Yes there are PCI Video cards if you don't have an AGP slot. Best way to check would be to find the manual for your computer to see if it does. Your second option would be to open the computer case, actually not that hard. With the case off, look in the lower left "quadrant" of the...
  17. Zyphria

    Go here to find out if your Graphics Card will handle Half-Life 2!

    Yep, the 5200 only emulates DX9. The framerate would be unbearable.
  18. Zyphria

    Why not bundle Half Life 2 with a DX9 video card?

    Probably a wee bit too late to work it out, but given the new graphics, selling Half Life 2 along with the best mid-range video card suited for the game would probably encourage sales. Maybe make it the "Developer's Edition" (sort of like a Collector's Edition). Sell them for $250 a piece...
  19. Zyphria

    BlackOps In Half Life 2?

    Thanks for clearing that up Jason, I'm still a bit of a newbie with modern-day assault rifle systems. I wonder how much those action figures will go for...
  20. Zyphria

    BlackOps In Half Life 2?

    Official mod? Like an expansion? Because one aspect of HL2 I know they have avoided is that of squad oriented gameplay.