Oh, I see. I kept thinking 09.
So, is it just in the US that the RC expired on June 09, or the RC expires on June 2010 everywhere?
Sorry for the hijack.
I didn't know mods can say "Ass"
Anyway, just buy the whole damn thing. AT&T charges me $35 for unlimited internet: DL, UL, Txt, etc. They're right: Once you run out of plan they will screw you hurts.
Yeah like: Using Google, or like paying bills online, or stroking keys about your PI on your keyboard, then visiting your favorite porn-tube; then you don't need all that AV fanciness.
Good luck... you need it.
After all, the $35 Overdraft fees, Bank Of America collected, we now offered a 1yr ($39.99) McAfee subscription for...Wait for it... FREE!
Personally, I like McAfee, because it costs money, meaning, updates are always, almost prompt, and there's always a tree you can bark at.
McAfee Security...
No VirusType2, 64 utilizes memory better than 32 and can handle lot more capacity, that's with the exception of Vista.
You are right though: Memories do not make noises; a hard drive, fans, and, or PSU will.
If for some reason one may suspect memory, its good to test memory modules one by one...
Man, I spent $175 for 7 UL, and I'm in love with the damn thing so far.
If 30 is all you must spend, I don't know why you must question it and fuzzing. Oh! You mean it too hard to believe? Right on, yes it is, now run and grab a copy.
Good Luck.
Like most of the guys said: All practical jokes must have limitations, and no practical joke should overstep the boundary. And like Laivasse said "Boning your friend's GF is not a joke." Or Asus said "Taking your friend's car without permission is not cool."
Also, practical jokes should never...
Got it! :thumbs:
I'm fresh out of ideas, and whatever came to mind has already been ruled out by others.
Forums can be your best friends right about now.
Good Luck.
I smell a fish here.
Are you sure that program is not doing something other than install?
In other words... Is this a legit-ware? Did your "Place of Work" actually paid for this?
If not, I would C&D.
Good Luck.
I couldn't say it better.
Building your own PC is also great way to spend time with your dad.
This is the time to teach your dad a thing or two about life. ;)
Good Luck.
Yeah I second that.
CD driver are always outdated. Rather install hardware, then windows will install genetic driver, or ask you to install it manually, in which you have to refuse and press "Cancel." Log online and DL latest driver from product website. Easy :P
Good Luck and enjoy your new...