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  1. RabidMeatloaf

    Where were you and what were you doing on 9-11

    My dad was driving me and my friend Sarah to school. She told me that a small plane had crashed into the the world trade center. I thought it was simply an accident. When I arrived at school, about the time the pentagon was hit, I learned the horrifing truth.
  2. RabidMeatloaf

    TheNerdNews : Michael Jackson Denies Surrogate Mother Report

    Dunno Harry, I've often wondered about that myself. -_-
  3. RabidMeatloaf

    Are you going to buy DOOM III

    For now, I'll wait to see people's reactions to the game before I consider buying it. Right now, I wouldn't buy it.
  4. RabidMeatloaf

    Would u actually wear a hl2 T-shirt in public?

    I probably would NOT wear a Half-Life 2 shirt around in public. I might wear it around the house though.
  5. RabidMeatloaf

    Have ever broken a bone?

    Haven't broken a bone yet.
  6. RabidMeatloaf

    Do Yourselves A Favor: Skip "King Arthur"

    I was only half-considering seeing "King Aruthur" because Kiera Knightly stars in it. :P Thanks for the info.
  7. RabidMeatloaf

    CS:S or HL2 First?

    I'd say CS: S might be out a little bit before HL 2.
  8. RabidMeatloaf

    take a look at world military budgets

    Got a late start on this thread so........ 399 billion dollars! Ack! No wonder we're so far down in the hole.
  9. RabidMeatloaf

    by the end of css beta stage, hl2 should be out

    Yeah, beacause if they do, all of will form an angry mob and set the Valve offices ablaze! :thumbs:
  10. RabidMeatloaf

    My new website!

    That's where I got mine. :cheers:
  11. RabidMeatloaf

    "We expect the beta to be a couple hundred thousand people"

    I'll consider buying CZ the DAY Valve releases a Day of Defeat-Source beta....not before.
  12. RabidMeatloaf

    CS: Source beta "this summer"

    Agreed. :hmph:
  13. RabidMeatloaf

    The 5 Reasons Halflife2 was Delayed *joke link*

    Hah, #5 was the best! Funny article :laugh:
  14. RabidMeatloaf

    ok guys so tomorrow is sideways avatar day

    If this sideways avatar day goes as well as the upside down one, then our next avatar day should be "Flaming Avatar Day". :rolling:
  15. RabidMeatloaf

    What are you eating/drinking?

    I'm drinking some Tampico juice at the moment.
  16. RabidMeatloaf

    WHat would happen if everyone in the community

    If I had either of their phone numbers, I'd call them up and say in a very creepy voice, "I STILL, STILL, STILL know what you did with Alyx last summer!" Or something like that.
  17. RabidMeatloaf

    The day of HL 2 Release

    My vote goes to Munro or Chris_D. If it was Chris_D, his on-line name could be "/me dies" :)
  18. RabidMeatloaf

    Annoying people...

    Beat him to death with a crowbar, then claim Gordon did it?
  19. RabidMeatloaf

    How are you spending your money this summer?

    I'm buying a new video card for Half-Life 2, that's about it.
  20. RabidMeatloaf

    Thank-you Valve!

    I partially agree with SMT, but I still give thanks to Valve for making the game, answering e-mails from the community, and other things. Thanks VALVe. :)