Wait. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but if you're playing the game, you're not going to see the nanosuit anyways seeing as it's a FPS. So what's the big deal about the nano-suit? Or are people seriously just not enjoying the idea of the near super-powers the suit grants the player?
There's a manual on their webpage that outlines the plants and resource gathering, and you can read up on the diff classes as well.
Looking at that as I download.;)
In the game you did it so you could throw the head to distract enemies. As to why i personally did it in the game......the same reason i like total gore-fest movies, I enjoy it, it makes me laugh. As to why it makes me laugh, I couldn't tell you, but i'm twenty seven and i've never even been in...
I would have to agree with AiM, I have fond memories of strangling someone with piano wire.....then putting my knee in the back of their neck and using the piano wire to saw their head off, which i then put in a plastic bag and hung from my belt.......*sigh* good times, good times.
Agreed. Me saying that the graphics were bad, doesn't make me a graphics whore, it was a statement of fact.....i could have forgiven the bad graphics if the game was fun....the game was not fun. It was buggy, had boring mediocre gameplay, AND the graphics were bad. As a gamer I personally expect...
Man.......just....this was really bad. Even if it had ran well, the models were horrible, the cinematic was laughable, voice-overs sucked.....i think the only thing i honestly enjoyed was the music. As far as I'm concerned there is nooooo way I will ever purchase this game.....I would much...
I got way too bored spending 5 minutes watching that guy driving through traffic to get to the courthouse, and i turned it off. Seriously.....why would he not edit that out?
This is part of the reason I hate Hollywood. The only reason to make this movie is as a cash grab. I found Halo to be a bland and generic sci-fi story, with nothing to set it apart from the other millions of generic sci-fi stories out there, and the only mildly entertaining stuff in it (the...