most violent video game


Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Which game is the most violent of them all?
Just wondering.
I'd say soldier of fortune. It was gory and just swimming in violence.
Meh, not my cup of tea.
My vote is for Postal 2....Where else can you piss on somebody?
I would have to agree with AiM, I have fond memories of strangling someone with piano wire.....then putting my knee in the back of their neck and using the piano wire to saw their head off, which i then put in a plastic bag and hung from my belt.......*sigh* good times, good times.
I would have to agree with AiM, I have fond memories of strangling someone with piano wire.....then putting my knee in the back of their neck and using the piano wire to saw their head off, which i then put in a plastic bag and hung from my belt.......*sigh* good times, good times.

Game designers are messed up. Why would you do that? I'm no Jack Thompson, play/buy what you want, but I do find that a little odd.
It is what customers want, obviously people love it. Thus they make it.
Marketing Research Man
"and what do you want Timmy?"
"I wanna game I can hack peoples heads off and wear'em on my belt"
".....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm K"
Is Manhunt any good on the PC? Control-wise I mean.
Rise of the Triad was pretty gruesome too.

Resident Evil 4 or Condemned

RE4 had a lot of body deformations, which rocked and Condemned was just an all out violent experience.
Rune is the most violent I've played could decapitate someone and then pick up his head and bash other players with it or you could throw it ..also if done right one the biggest swords would gib an enemy sending body parts all over ..all in multiplayer
Game designers are messed up. Why would you do that? I'm no Jack Thompson, play/buy what you want, but I do find that a little odd.

In the game you did it so you could throw the head to distract enemies. As to why i personally did it in the game......the same reason i like total gore-fest movies, I enjoy it, it makes me laugh. As to why it makes me laugh, I couldn't tell you, but i'm twenty seven and i've never even been in a real fight, let alone perpatrated a violent crime, so frankly i don't see the harm in it. For me it is a succesful outlet for violence, maybe without violent games i would be sawing off peoples heads....who knows lol
Hmm, Rune reminds me of Die by the Sword. Not the most violent game ever, but damn funny; you could use enemies heads, arms and legs as weapons, and your character could run around with one leg and one arm missing :O.
Gears of War is stupidly violent. Heads blown off, bodys blown apart from the inside, shotgun to the face at point blank range, chainsawing people in half, blood spurting over your screen, etc. Wonderfull.
GoW is damn gruesome. It has the best head popping and body gibbing i've seen in a video game. Sawing someone in half and then running through the remains, sending them skidding about, is also just plain nasty.
My favorite part of Manhunt was tossing the heads out into view of the guards, then they absolutely freak out and get scared shitless. From there you can either stalk them and brutally murder them or just sneak on through.

Love that game ... it really hit the spot.
GoW. OMG.. The first time I sawed someone was just.. just beutiful...
Also, curb stomping. lol.. curb stomping in multiplayer is like pwntng someone.
I had a PS1 game it was a beat 'em up by some band (the characters were out of a band) the finishing moves were really gory I forgot the name though. You had big mallets and stuff.
Postal for the concept and SoF for the 260 body parts gameplay
Meh, I didn't find the Punisher all that bad in comparison.