Search results

  1. T

    Do tracers do damage?

    There are sizeable conversations on the topic in the hlcoders mailing list. No idea if you're subscribed to that, but it can be a useful source of info. GMail accounts are nice for it, with the efficient search built in and lots of room. For old postings you can check the archive at the link. I...
  2. T

    I got bullets to ricochet!

    Good job. Nicking code from the right places and making it work is half the trick as a beginning Source coder. Although I might be biased in that since it's how I did things at first :p, while experimenting with a hacked-together harpoon launcher weapon (I can recommend one of those, they're fun...
  3. T

    Porting news from a forum?

    It's done by coding what is often called a "news script" in PHP. So if you google on that + name of the forum software you should find something useful. I have no names of good ones, because I tend to write my own. If you know PHP you should be able to do that too, but then you probably...
  4. T

    BETA mods now??

    Beta versions are good, players expecting too much from them is bad.
  5. T

    Episode One price confirmed

    I would've preferred $15. $20 just feels steep. Obviously length of game is not a good indicator bla bla welcome to 2003 when the same was said for HL2. My point is that 20 feels exponentially more expensive than 15. Whether that will affect sales I don't know, as HL2 is popular enough for it to...
  6. T


    How retro.
  7. T reborn!

    I would say a short newspost is warranted, as the sites are affiliated bla bla, but I wouldn't have posted a piece of mini-fanfiction with a rather huge image that adds absolutely nothing. It all makes it more like an ad than a newspost. But then again, I'm not a newsposter. PS. Do other mods...
  8. T

    Nuclear Dawn

    The problem is not that the news should be neutral. I'd love to see a real opinion in a news article. That's not what I see though. It's all hype ("flavour"), and anything vaguely critical is immediately compensated by a paragraph of optimism. I've already said too much in an...
  9. T

    Nuclear Dawn

    I am saying a post apoc themed game does not equate to a Fallout game. edit: I'm not saying you're not allowed to post old stuff, but you should present it as the reminder that it is. And with less hype. But really, my views of news reporting obviously differ vastly from yours so it's no use...
  10. T

    Nuclear Dawn

    As said, old media not warranting a newspost presenting it as if this stuff is all new and the mod just revealed itself or something. If they want publicity they'll release a media release soon enough. But then again, hype-founded news reporting at is not exactly a new thing is it? :P...
  11. T

    wtf? popup?

    Thanks. Next time I'll remember that I'm somehow supposed to smell your exact level of expertise and the details of all your previous attempts at fixing the problem before trying to help. Now shut up and install adblock.
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    wtf? popup?

    That might be because the ad draws the window focus, so you're in fact trying to scroll the ad. If that's the case it would be fixable by clicking in the page outside the ad area.
  13. T

    Eldar Scrolls:Oblivion vs. Gothic III

    Gothic III. A word of advice for people just starting out with Gothic I or II: you really need to get used to the controls in the beginning, but it's worth it for the rest of the game. Apparently the controls are like they are because the games were designed with consoles in mind, but...
  14. T

    Forum FireFox Compatability?

    Unless you have javascript disabled or accidentally adblocked the forum's javascript files (I had that at one point), the buttons should work fine.
  15. T

    Most worthless key on the keyboard?

    The "T", "G" and "B" keys are completely useless. I never touch them.
  16. T

    Latest Oblivion Q&A (LONG)...

    There's a lot of evasive answers in there, and a lot of typical stupid questions that always seem to make it through the selection process of fan interviews. That actually sounds interesting. Bleh. I get far more satisfaction from coming back later and seeing the dungeon emptied than coming...
  17. T

    New Steam Games Ready for Pre-Purchase!

    I echo the price sentiment. Space Empires looks interesting, but not for 20 bucks.
  18. T

    Close the Politics Forum?

    Let's just say I'll continue the loose planning of my campaign for the banning of the entire user list (yes, that includes me). Forum quality would improve. What can I say, I'm in a rethorical mood today.
  19. T

    Close the Politics Forum?

    I can't really say I understand the resistance to this move. Did you value the petty arguments that much? Are endless debates that never move past the "throwing statements around" phase, into understanding and *gasp* perhaps an adjustment of one's opinion? Was this cesspit your heaven?
  20. T

    Weekly Steam News (06/01/06)

    Looking forward to Kalt. It should be interesting to see what kind of special stuff they did with the snow. Yup: