I've been pretty lucky- this may I tore the trifibrocardial complex in my right wrist jumping over a couch. A few months of wearing a splint is pretty bearable compared to that leg D:
I'm torn about this one. On one hand, the premise is RETARDED. Dante's Inferno has nothing to do with combat whatsoever, and they're merely mining its name for publicity.
On the other...
holy crap, fighting through hell in a crazy art style sounds orgasmic.
Oh god, SO good. I got it the day it dropped- absolutely brilliant.
That said, if you love them, you'll also love Department of Eagles. It's vocalist Daniel Rossen's band, and their latest CD ("In Ear Park") sounds like a dreamier, more baroque grizzly bear. It's the only thing that knocked...
I rolled and twisted my right ankle jumping stairs on a skateboard in seventh grade. I've resprained it multiple times a year since. Recently I found out it was fractured (and healed) somewhere along the way.
The first time was by far the worst, though.