Search results

  1. Ghost Freeman

    A Nation devided

    I want to live in the US of Canada ;(
  2. Ghost Freeman

    Your definition of love.

    I have no idea, since it hasn't hit me yet...and if it has, I don't remember.
  3. Ghost Freeman

    Half-Life2's promotion problem

    Remember kids...the first Half-Life got no attention whatsoever.
  4. Ghost Freeman

    The 12 days of half life 2

    Off topic.
  5. Ghost Freeman

    Watch out for fake halflife2 keygen

    That's what they deserve, don't ruin the suprise for them!
  6. Ghost Freeman

    2 more states ban gay marriage

    I never thought I'd see the day they'de rig an election. But here we are...again.
  7. Ghost Freeman


    The Round is a Draw.
  8. Ghost Freeman


    I beseech you to bear arms and fight our enemy. There is still hope.
  9. Ghost Freeman

    Gordon Needs You!

    Fueling the fire are we Gamespy?
  10. Ghost Freeman

    More Gordon Freeman Costume Pics!

    You are a total geek. Rock on.
  11. Ghost Freeman

    Immigration (In the US)

    Who cares if the mexicans come into this country illegally, they're fine by me.
  12. Ghost Freeman

    No instruction manual? What a load of crap.

    What a ****ing letdown. Moreso than the no MP announcement.
  13. Ghost Freeman

    Easter Eggs revealed once HL2 is out?

    Yeah yeah real nice how you use GeoShitties. Guess nobody has heard of Imageshack.
  14. Ghost Freeman

    Where is HL2 at in terms of production?

    They aren't including manuals? WTF?
  15. Ghost Freeman

    The Elections '04

    In Rod We Trust.
  16. Ghost Freeman

    The Official Gayest/Funniest Names in CS:S Thread

    Rick James. He's a scary mother****er.
  17. Ghost Freeman slowing down?

    I'll be gone when the game comes out. And then back to spam to my heart's content :)