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  1. Ghost Freeman

    Route Kanal = pun?

    Wow thats amazing.
  2. Ghost Freeman

    Who here has had no improvement with the recent patch?

    I've heard of a few people who have had little if any. Hell, for some, it's worse.
  3. Ghost Freeman

    Graffiti: Mother holding baby?

    Seems more like shock art meant to show the plight of not being able to reproduce.
  4. Ghost Freeman

    weird drawing

    Yes. Ape evolves into man. Man gets enslaved and transformed against its will into Combine. Very old.
  5. Ghost Freeman

    Did the G-man give Col. Cubbage the rocket launcher?

    Did the G-Man also give him his fake accent?
  6. Ghost Freeman

    Half-Life 2 update (SDK next week! Plus a surprise.)

    The suprise is Half-Life 4.
  7. Ghost Freeman

    The female mind....

    Look at all this woman-hate. :|
  8. Ghost Freeman

    VALVe still up to their old tricks..

    Guess they've never heard of "When it's done" it would have saved them so much trouble.
  9. Ghost Freeman

    Heh, Half-Life: Source rocks!

    This can't be HL:S :(
  10. Ghost Freeman

    ATHF vol.3 on DVD

    wtf is it
  11. Ghost Freeman

    the FCC is cleaning up the airwaves again

    The Thought Police is after you! RUN!
  12. Ghost Freeman

    Icarus Doesent talk much anymore.

    lol, Munrowned
  13. Ghost Freeman

    New HK XM8

    Nice model...of an ass ugly gun.
  14. Ghost Freeman

    So how about a friggin expansion?

    I want to kill more Combine soldiers :rolling:
  15. Ghost Freeman

    The Ending

    The ending was the only shitty part.
  16. Ghost Freeman

    your gender? plz dont fake it

  17. Ghost Freeman

    Mods - what do you want?

    ****ing PLEASE do this mod someone :( :flame:
  18. Ghost Freeman

    How do i report a friend?

    Yeah you ****ing ingrate nub, put the value of a video game over your friends. You sicken me.
  19. Ghost Freeman

    Battling Graffiti

    Now paint over the white with Combine blood :D