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  1. festivalman

    Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

    optimizing is one thing, placing their logo on your site, pushing certain cards when asked about such things, having them host your content to serve up, various other things is another step further. but whatever.. this argument isn't really worth continuing because these guys aren't...
  2. festivalman

    Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

    and what about all the other video card makers out there? they're all dog meat apparently since valve is buddy buddy with the top 2. Obviously we're talking about video games here, so ultimately it's not that big a deal, otherwise I'd be saying that it's unethical to be playing favorites, even...
  3. festivalman

    why do the blink vids have less effects than the big cam vid.

    haha i'd sit there and run at full speed into a wall for 5 minutes if i were in the same situation.
  4. festivalman

    why do the blink vids have less effects than the big cam vid.

    i'm wondering how much great AI can really be shown in tiny hallways like doom3. so far cry has the best i've ever seen where they strategically advance and hide based on how many are in their group. so far we haven't seen any AI in these halflife 2 demos other than the enemies moving straight...
  5. festivalman

    why do the blink vids have less effects than the big cam vid.

    every now and then you get snapped back to reality and to the realization that most of the people playing these games never had a computer before CS came out...
  6. festivalman

    Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

    shhh! that's ati/valve's secret weakness! together they are mighty! but separate, they are nothing but a child's play thing to be flung about with wreckless abandon.... with ragdoll physics.
  7. festivalman

    Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

    sure, but the last 3 boards that were released were 500 bucks. it's a safe bet.
  8. festivalman

    why do the blink vids have less effects than the big cam vid.

    er... we specifically covered why we think they're different, mainly because of the anti-aliasing effect. colors are one thing, but having insane jaggies all over the place is going to make your video look bad no matter what. same thing goes for all the ads for playstation games that show tiny...
  9. festivalman

    why do the blink vids have less effects than the big cam vid.

    check out far cry which is set to be released around christmas. this video is nothing short of amazing. what's great about it is that even with direct feed videos, it looks just as good. for some strange reason valve didn't completely move to the new shadow and lighting systems that doom3 and...
  10. festivalman

    Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

    well, the latest boards are usually around 500 when they come out. so figure around there. it's pretty hard to justify 500+ bucks just for a game.
  11. festivalman

    Half-Life 2 to be bundled with ATi Radeon 9900 Pro?

    so Apos, still think valve and ati don't have anything goin' on? haha
  12. festivalman

    File Rush - uploads now available

    Hey guys, I wanted to mention that File Rush (the bit torrent site for game stuff) now has a working torrent upload section. This'll let people serve up game related content like their music videos or whatever that people create without needing sites like File Planet.
  13. festivalman

    why do the blink vids have less effects than the big cam vid.

    that's pretty much the reason. the smoothing out of the jaggies which are extremely prominent in the bink videos. if they had fsaa cranked in the bink videos, you'd be saying the same thing about them. I remember a long time ago before the first playstation came out. There was a full page add...
  14. festivalman

    6th Video bug bait bit torrrent.

    well i think the ones that were causing the most trouble were the hardware based ones built into linksys and other brand routers for cable/dsl modems. i forget which ones they mentioned were causing problems.
  15. festivalman

    6th Video bug bait bit torrrent.

    yeah, the torrent file is just a meta file. if you have the bit torrent client installed, it automatically brings it up and saves it as the regular filename that it's supposed to be ending in .exe or .avi or whatever. Right now there's over 45 seeds for this file off That means...
  16. festivalman

    6th Video bug bait bit torrrent.

    now that's a mouth full. :) here it is:
  17. festivalman

    First 3 video download torrents

    you don't have to run the torrent file. once you've installed a bit torrent client, it automatically brings up the bit torrent client as soon as you hit the torrent file on the web page. no extra steps. btw, here's my experience with filefront 99 percent of the time since we're on the subject...
  18. festivalman

    2 new wallpapers !!

    viper, prohosters is half that price, same amount of disk space, and NO limit on transfer. 20 gigs isn't all that much. a T1's worth of usage a day is already 8 gigs.
  19. festivalman

    Delays may be false

    so let me get this straight.. we couldn't stop Gabe from making some kind of statement about whatever every day, but now we ask him about this and there's nothing? weird...
  20. festivalman

    Tunnels- Thoughts

    in half-life, fire a pistol at a wall repeatedly. the bullets don't land in exactly the same spot each time right? same with the demo in question. there's a randomizer on the point of impact for all shots in the game so as to make it more realistic. since this is an arcing weapon in terms of how...