I try to pass my day like the encient soviet monks did. THey woke up at 6 AM, then prayed and worked till 12 noon and went ot sleep untill 13:00. After, they worked and prayed again. They went ot sleep at 1 night. So by sleeping one hour during the day you save up and regenerate enough energy to...
Better, here is something more intellectual. Think about the following question and answer me in an essey format:
Why are human genitalias disposed betwin the legs and how does this algorithmetize with conseption of the most optimal structure of the human body.
/me falls into a coma after...
I must add that with your scores you all are able to pass the entrence exames to MGU(Moskovsky Gosudarstvenny Universitet - Moscow State University) - one of the most prestigeous(if not the most) and best technical universities of the World. Although it takes much more to stay their.:naughty:
Not distributive, but CAnadian Disruptive PATtern, aka digicam(digital camouflage).
The new Canadian patterns; CADPAT (Canadian Disruptive Pattern) Temperate Woodland (TW) and Arid Regions (AR). CADPAT TW has been rated best tropical and Temperate Camouflage by NATO soldiers in a recent...