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  1. Loke

    PC Game Listing - Co-Op - FPS

    Is that the Plasma Pak?
  2. Loke


    Just ran through it a bit, looks really good visually.
  3. Loke

    And you are?

    And you are?
  4. Loke

    PSN Games

    Blast Factor (and Advance Research Pack) is worth checking out. Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 is probably fun if you're into that kind of thing but my brother and I just found it frustrating with the lack of checkpoints between levels. If you die, with no remaining lifes, you have to start...
  5. Loke

    MAG - PS3 (ingame screen)

    Awesome. Be sure to post anything here if he say something interesting. Thanks!
  6. Loke

    MAG - PS3 (ingame screen)

    Looks better than I imagined.
  7. Loke

    Regarding your post about Duke Nukem 3D running on Windows XP. Go and download the EDuke32...

    Regarding your post about Duke Nukem 3D running on Windows XP. Go and download the EDuke32 port here (download the latest snapshot found in the link at the site). With that done move over all of the files from the .ZIP file to your Duke Nukem 3D folder CONTAINING the DUKE3D.GRP file. The .GRP...
  8. Loke

    Notable game levels of this generation Yeah, Freeway is a sweet map. The best one of all the secret levels.
  9. Loke

    Notable game levels of this generation

    Crysis. Chapter 5: Onslaught - both levels. One of the most awesome experiences I've had recently. Really felt like a huge war and very much like Vietnam. Too bad the rest of the game didn't hold up to this chapter. Countless of levels from MGS4 that I can't be bothered to bring up. Just...
  10. Loke


  11. Loke

    So i just got F.E.A.R

    FEAR never scared me, no not even the ladder scene. But I got to admit that I did get a bit freaked in Extraction Point when they decided to kill off a character in the most violent and brutal way possible. The only time I felt a bit uneasy. Anyway, I liked both EP and PM even though the...
  12. Loke

    One at a time please.....

    The posing in the first pic is so bad that it's good.
  13. Loke

    TF2 Bad Time
  14. Loke

    Halo vs Half-life.

    Whoever edited the poll wins 5 internets.
  15. Loke

    Halo vs Half-life.

    Halo 1 was better than Halo 2, at least in the singleplayer. Both sucks in comparison with Half-Life though.
  16. Loke

    Project Origin: did anyone else just see the segment on G4? Jump to 04:05 to hear what he say.
  17. Loke

    The Big E3 Thread!

    Lol, when they kill the Tank in the last video you can hear that screaming that was audible from Half-Life during the "On A Rail" chapter. Creepy.
  18. Loke

    Project Origin: did anyone else just see the segment on G4?

    Very excited for this. Post the vid if you can.
  19. Loke

    Greatest ****ing trailer of all TIME!

    Heh, that was epic. :cheese: Yeah, Chris Kline's Duke Nukem Jam. First thing I noticed when watching the video.
  20. Loke

    Terminator: Salvation Teaser

    Better than the T3 teaser at least.