What I'm saying is that there's a difference between an animal killing another animal in the wild and an animal killing another animal that's been put there (where he can't even escape although it'd still be wrong if he could escape) by a human being who's filming it for pleasure.
The door...
Throwing a living mouse into an aquarium next to a turtle isn't nature. It's like putting two dogs in a ring against eachother, except one of them is much smaller and can't fight back and is a poor little mouse while the other is big and strong snapping turtle! :( Animal cruelty I say! Not to...
My friend and I just got a beta key a couple of days ago by preordering. We're pretty bad but by looking up some build orders for terran/protoss which we play we got 5 wins and 0 losses in the 2v2 placement league by massing marauders & marines and some protoss units and they usually went down...
1. Obvious, 1/13 compared to 5/8 which has been said already.
2.The one with the prisoners is the monty hall problem all over again. You "pick" a prisoner and there's a 1/3 chance that you'll get executed (win the prize). Then you ask the warden to reveal the name of one of the prisoners who...
I think it's pretty cute if you look at it in a different way, like a dog with its puppies or a cat with its kittens except, y'know, it's a spider with its spiderlings! But they're all animals and cute in my eyes. I like animals.
Ever heard of tectonic plates? The reason those places don't have big earth quakes is because they aren't located on places where two or more tectonic plates meet.
Also Sweden (and other parts of northern europe) had a hurricane a couple of years ago which killed a couple of people and...