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  1. Musk

    How do you finish this sentence?

    ... When your outside you can't help but think "damn that's some good graphics".
  2. Musk

    Things to do before you die?

    Ohh awesome. We had to do an essay on the Kokoda track in English. Sounds really great but incredibly hard emotionally and physically. Good work.
  3. Musk

    Seriously Scary :O

    Ha that is pretty clever. Fooled me pretty good before I looked at spoiler.
  4. Musk

    Girl sees fine with half a brain

    That's one smart brain.
  5. Musk

    'Hello mum, this is going to be hard for you to read ...'

    Spelling didn't bother me too much, maybe because a lot of my friends spell like this kid also. Damn brave guy thou. Wow.
  6. Musk

    The CNC series

    I don't mind. I still play C&C 3 online with friends on Thursdays. Only C&C game I still bother to play really. Where you playing from?
  7. Musk

    The CNC series

    Got all but the latest C&C Red Alert 3 series. Favorite is still Generals: Zero Hour. Awesome fun multiplayer at LANS back in the day.
  8. Musk

    MS I can hear your milking machines again...

    Oh my goodness. It never ends!
  9. Musk

    Anyone hyped for Wolfenstein?

    Video got me a bit more interested. Wasn't very hyped over it to begin with.
  10. Musk

    ZP: Red Faction

    Didn't agree with his hate on Red Faction but his jokes still amuse me none the less.
  11. Musk

    How many games on your steam list?

    68. Yeww.
  12. Musk

    Positive Thread

    I hate my life. Did I fail?
  13. Musk

    SteamTastic Game Night

    We can have our own game. Who needs them anyway.... :(
  14. Musk

    MW2 - Special Edition :S

    I jizzed in my pants..
  15. Musk

    Fallout 3 DLC: Mothership Zeta

    Pah. Bought this on the STEAM sale last week but really don't want to pitch out that much cash for virtually the same game experience. Might just buy the Goty edition like you said and just give the original game away or something so long as the DLC works with the STEAM version alright.
  16. Musk

    Fallout 3 DLC: Mothership Zeta

    Are any of the DLC for this game really worth the price?
  17. Musk

    Jonny Jackson!

    I wasted 4 minutes of my life.
  18. Musk

    Help me Obi Wan Kenobi...

    Fun times. Went outside someday with no shoes on and stepped on a Bee. Screamed like a girl and hopped inside. Next day I walked outside again with no shoes on and stepped on another Bee with the same foot. God I hate the outdoors.
  19. Musk

    Give Me a Job

    They rejected me.. 3 times. Anyway you guys get Government benefits such as the Dole when you need help with money?