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  1. torso boy

    Game+how to video = funneh

    Click and hold, move right to the finish(Dont worry about walls as long as you're holding the mous buttons), let go of mouse button on finish, repeat. :p Easy game, I still wish they would make versions of these where you can keep playing after the scare, cause by that time I'm having fun...
  2. torso boy

    First PS3 hands on report

    It is capable. You just have to have a developer good enough or a game simple enough. So, its probably not going to happen often, if at all.
  3. torso boy

    First PS3 hands on report

    I was able to get to the article, it just loads slowly: It seemed pretty positive, I was surprised to hear them say what they saw was more like "high end 360 titles like GoW and DoA", and confirmed my beliefs about the system's potential.(On...
  4. torso boy

    Burnout Revenge HD trailer

    Thats what I thought too. The game moves way too fast and full of motion blur to see much of a difference anyway(Even from the PS2 version). Full Auto > Slightly upgraded port of game I've already played. Hopefully when the truly next gen Burnout comes out it will be good.
  5. torso boy

    The Illustrated Story of Iso-Town

    How do you expect him to get more done with 6 guys stabbing him? :p Very nice Veggie. :thumbs:
  6. torso boy

    Whats your greatest Achievement!

    Rigged a buggy with C4, and then took out a convoy of 2 APC's(Or whatever they are) and a tank with about 6-10 people that were coming to take one of our last flags.
  7. torso boy

    Console games of 2006

    Yeah, but they basically just took a list of announced PS3 games and said 2006 LOL. Oh, and devstation is not open to the press, devs only.
  8. torso boy

    Console games of 2006

    IGNORE THE PS3 LIST That list is all speculation. Reasonable expectations, and somewhat confirmed-ish organization of the PS3 list: Launch (Either announced for or talked about as one, I'm not putting ANY of my own speculation here): Lair MotorStorm Warhawk Tekken PS3(Tekken...
  9. torso boy

    Promising DNF news straight from the source...

    Actually, they killed all hype in and went into silence in 2001, because they knew they couldn't get it done. Only very recently have a few details trickled out on the forums, and then PCGamer saw it. And really, they are not bad guys and they certainly don't make bad games, in fact many of the...
  10. torso boy

    TrackMania Nations

    It would make the collisions interesting, but it would make the rest of the game suck.
  11. torso boy

    The first DX10 game announced video inside

    Since CryTek has been talking about development on X360 and PS3.
  12. torso boy

    Draw the forum

    I would say awsome, but it seems you got that covered for me. :D
  13. torso boy

    Draw the forum

    You could have snuck me under the bed. :P
  14. torso boy

    Draw the forum

    :D Keep it up Que.
  15. torso boy

    Draw the forum

    :D Nice to see this thread back up. Great stuff Que.
  16. torso boy

    The first DX10 game announced video inside

    The engine is on X360 and PS3, but the game hasn't been officially announced for them. However, I doubt Crytek would go through all the trouble to port the engine when they don't get too many liscensees unless they plan on doing something with it. So I wouldn't be surprised if it does.
  17. torso boy

    The first DX10 game announced video inside

    I don't see why this suddenly makes the next generation consoles suck. They could run this fine (Actually, Crytek talked about PS3 and X360 development with Cryengine 2. link), we haven't seen anywhere close to the next gen consoles full potential.
  18. torso boy

    New Gears of War pics (And you guessed right 56K'ers)

    Yeah, I just meant after MS OKs the release.
  19. torso boy

    New Gears of War pics (And you guessed right 56K'ers)

    The reason it worries me is they are basing and action game off of concepts more fitting for other genres, like stealth games where you generally want to avoid direct fighting. It could be good, but it also could be extremely repetitive. The 800th time you're sitting behind a barrier shooting...
  20. torso boy

    New Gears of War pics (And you guessed right 56K'ers)

    By the time it comes out on PC: 1. My computer will be able to handle it. 2.I'll know if its actually any good. The gameplay seems like it could get old quick.