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  1. GreaseMonkey

    Post your Desktop

  2. GreaseMonkey


    I'm not a christian. I don't believe there is a god. In fact, i believe that religion contributes to *some* source of evil on this planet. Having said that, I'm going to next say that porn, yes is bad. Some of the stuff those women do is wrong. All that extreme crap is disgusting, cruel and...
  3. GreaseMonkey

    Endless Fun : D : D : D

    For me it does not work....
  4. GreaseMonkey

    girls... (continued)

    This is sad. Nothing beats women. They are what we live for. Video games, in terms of importance to me, are far away from girls. I <3 Teh G|rl5!!11 Sure it is easier to beat HL2 then get a girl sometimes, but the end result is worth it ;)
  5. GreaseMonkey

    Will you be changing your name for hl2?

    I might change it. GreaseMonkey doesn't fit in very well, since its my BF1942 name. I don't know what ill change it to though
  6. GreaseMonkey

    "What IF?" by GotLag?

    I don't care about CS, but there has to be a DoD2!!
  7. GreaseMonkey

    Mission: Post the best image! wtf
  8. GreaseMonkey

    Feeling down?

    Man, if people actually hire these people to do their ass-kissing, then this guy must be rich.
  9. GreaseMonkey

    Funny joke.

  10. GreaseMonkey

    The Brag about work thread.

    I have no Job because I'm a loser.
  11. GreaseMonkey

    My Cat....

    sorry to hear this man :( But they have to go sometime, and at least is wasn't a painful death.:)
  12. GreaseMonkey

    Who is 'teh Spam'

    i haven't been here much, but i know that nw is a fricking huge spammer :P But since everyones saying the guinny os one too, I'll vote for guinny. Heh, teh spam is a sweet title. Can that title be taken from the winner?
  13. GreaseMonkey

    Should I buy X-Box?Halo?

    Why not do both if you have teh money....
  14. GreaseMonkey

    Funny: CS Cheater Busted.

    hack9ing is for people that need to brag about how good they are in a computer game and then feel good about it. IT'S JUST A FREAKING GAME. CHEATERS ARE TEH GHEY!!!!
  15. GreaseMonkey


    Exactly what innvervision said. When i feel down, doing something with my friend cheers me right back up. This freaking comp is taking my life. Lonelyness leads to depression, so hang out and talk to people, even to people in your family. Call someone and do something.
  16. GreaseMonkey

    Arnolds pizza shop

    ROFLMAO "Er, I'm sorry, we are fully booked now" "cmon, don't bullshit me" "eh what?!" "sorry, to perfect" "I'm sorry?" "f|_|ck you"
  17. GreaseMonkey

    Word Association Football

  18. GreaseMonkey

    Is anybody here running a...

    Re: I wish Oh man, i had the same and it blew, i know how you feel. Now i got a 4200. Bah, it's good enough. And also, I'm looking into OC'ing it, when i learn how and have the proper stuff....I heard you can get 4200s to be as fast as 4600s...
  19. GreaseMonkey

    Funny: CS Cheater Busted.

    Then j00 aer teh 1337.
  20. GreaseMonkey

    Funny: CS Cheater Busted.

    Oh noes.....*fixes* [EDIT] Should work....;f=1;t=004945;p= BTW, the last 60 secs of the MP3 will have you ROFL.