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  1. WaSwAt

    Kamakiri's Theory of HL2 About To Go Gold!

    Re: Re: Kamakiri's Theory of HL2 About To Go Gold! i hate philosophy :) plz explain yourself :borg:
  2. WaSwAt

    Fragmaster posts his delay "proof"

    why is everyone being so mysterious about the releasedate?
  3. WaSwAt

    Patch ?

    i hope so :bounce: are you thinking...?
  4. WaSwAt

    Patch ?

    hmm, 1 day or 2 you think there will be that much cd's? or do you want to lend your friend a cd then crack it? :)
  5. WaSwAt

    HL2 megabytes?

    I doubt that. I think there will be at MOST 3 cd's. More like 2...
  6. WaSwAt

    Kamakiri's Theory of HL2 About To Go Gold!

    Going gold means that the game is finished and copyed on a "master disk" who used to have the color gold. From then there will be some weeks/days before the game actually comes out EDIT: was a little late
  7. WaSwAt

    E3 Test Systems

    i thought the cpu was a amd athlon, not sure tough i agree with the zombie above me who agrees with the 2 zombies above him :D i've been here from Jul 2003 and i'm still a headcrap (b) :) and others signed in from sept and some of them are already a prowler :eek:
  8. WaSwAt

    Release Date

    option 1 ok, now close it already (or have a poll)
  9. WaSwAt

    Kamakiri's Theory of HL2 About To Go Gold!

    yeah me too there are a lot of 'fanboys' out there who wants to spread bad news about hl2 and good news about theyr beloved game i.e. doom3 fanboys :)
  10. WaSwAt

    snacks while playing HL2?

    3 liters of lemonade (the toilet is 3 meters away from me) some mars/kitkat bars and some paprika chips... simple
  11. WaSwAt

    closure on the sept 30 gold

    i'll msg them to tokyo if not somebody else will Well said dropper, we should leave them alone for a week orso :D
  12. WaSwAt

    Fragmaster steps down........

    hmm its a shame that i couldn't choose for "He should die" so i have chosen the pie thing
  13. WaSwAt

    The last copy of hl2 is on the shelf...

    lol rather not :) I'll just go to another store if the kid buys an copy :P i have the patience :cool:
  14. WaSwAt HL2 Date = 21 November '03 :dozey:
  15. WaSwAt

    any indication whether HL2 will have leaning?

    hehe i loved the leaning thing in those "silent shooter" games like metal gear solid (i think?) or raven shield, but i wouldnt like it in a fps like halflife 2 ;(
  16. WaSwAt

    John Carmack about GeForce FX and DirectX 9

    Agreed. I have a 4200 ti -> 9600 pro. I hope it will increase the performance much
  17. WaSwAt

    HL2 megabytes?

    Re: Re: HL2 megabytes? i think it will take 2/3 gigs (maybe with steamchache?)
  18. WaSwAt


    lol the ''robot dog'' wants to ''mark'' his terratory :D
  19. WaSwAt

    I have a question

    11 pringles (natural) wohoo i beat you all :)
  20. WaSwAt

    How do I convince her...

    YELL at her TELLING that you weren't talking about her and then if she still doesn't believe you you should go to the teacher