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  1. tschumann

    Favorite level in Half-Life 1

    Probably Surface Tension.
  2. tschumann

    Missing sound while playing portal?

    Try verifying your cache. Also, do you have any launch parameters?
  3. tschumann

    Need bots
  4. tschumann

    Just Wondring

    npc_create npc_bullseye will create an entity that the Strider/Gunship/etc should shoot at.
  5. tschumann

    finale events to next map?

    Have you tried asking on the l4dmappers mailing list?
  6. tschumann

    entity commands

    You could bind it to a key e.g. bind x "ent_setname strider;ent_fire strider setcannontarget !player" (or something to that effect).
  7. tschumann

    entity commands

    Maybe this: ent_setname strider;ent_fire strider setcannontarget !player I think you'll need to have your cursor on the strider for it to work.
  8. tschumann

    Replace headcrabs texture in HL2?

    Extract the texture from source materials.gcf (I think it's in hl2\materials\models\headcrab_classic) and modify it (you'll need VTFEdit and an image editing program). Put the modified .vtf in steamapps\<user>\half-life 2\hl2\materials\models\headcrab_classic\
  9. tschumann

    Editing Source to allow items to be dropped using right click

    I'm pretty sure that the Valve Developer wiki is the only place with any decent information. I'm not really familiar with the code, but I'd find where the picking up and dropping code is make it pickup only, then duplicate it to work with another command (+drop or something like that) and make...
  10. tschumann

    How do you access HL2 files/models/images/audio files?

    I'm not sure, but this might help:
  11. tschumann

    Editing Source to allow items to be dropped using right click

    You can just change the key that +use is bound to. Or do you want e to pick up, and right click to drop?
  12. tschumann

    Blue shift .map file to .vmf

    Also, if the .map files fail to load, maybe try loading them in Hammer 3.5 and fixing them up a bit before using them in Hammer 4.1
  13. tschumann

    HL2.EXE stopped running (AGAIN!!)

    Looks like you might need a better graphics card. I don't think a 32mb graphics card is good enough to run Source.
  14. tschumann

    Blue shift .map file to .vmf

    Which Hammer are you using? If it's the one in the Source SDK try resetting the configurations.
  15. tschumann

    Half-Life 2 Won't Start-up

    What are your specs?
  16. tschumann

    Problem with GarrysMod

    Have you changed the DirectX level?
  17. tschumann

    Half-Life 2 Won't Start-up There's a guide on how to disable it for specific processes here:
  18. tschumann

    Replacing Models

    Where did you put them? Do they have the same name(s) as the citizen model(s)?
  19. tschumann

    Half-Life 2 Won't Start-up

    Do you have DEP disabled for hl2.exe?