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  1. W

    cat 3.9's are garbage

    That's eccentric and ironic.....I had no problems with any of the ati drivers I've used with the COD demo I got. :eek:
  2. W

    cat 3.9's are garbage

    Call of Duty is known to have problems with the cat 3.8-3.9 drivers, the full version that is. If you want to play COD without problems on your radeon 9800p card, roll back to the 3.7 drivers. :)
  3. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    Half-Life 2 DOES have per-pixel lighting, but only in a certain way, and not like games like doom 3 does. Yeah, I know what Per-Pixel Lighting is. Per-Pixel Lighting is a method allows you to create point lights, spot lights, and special effects lights that have full support for distance...
  4. W

    Funniest what-Iwould-do-if-HL2-didnt-work

    IF HL2 WOULDN'T WORK? If hl2 wouldn't work on my computer no matter what I'd do, here is the list of things in order of what I would do: 1. Scream at my computer case and strangle it even if it doesn't cooperate. Then I'd pound the ground and jump up in down throwing a huge temper tantrum and...
  5. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    No, I'm not smoking. I mean per-pixel lighting in terms of using it with the lighting system. I think valve could implement self-shadowing into hl2 and repair as many bugs as possible to create more realistic shadows without such a huge performance it. And, oh yes, half-life 2 makes great use of...
  6. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    There IS a way to achieve shadows like soft stencil shadows without a huge performance hit. Self-shadowing and shadowmapping, but self-shadowing is not true shadowing that casts onto any surface, and is filled with many bugs(E.G, fuzzy animated edges), and is truly a hack, although is used in...
  7. W

    cat 3.9's are garbage

    I have no problems with the Cat 3.9 drivers/control panel. I have no idea why anyone would have such a problem just by hitting the start button equaling a computer lock-up. Indeed, how sad, perhaps you should reformat. :(
  8. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    Wrong. There is no such stencil shading in hl2, just high-resolution shadowmaps, dynamic lightmaps, static lightmaps, and render-to-texture soft shadows. And no, half-life 2 does NOT have per-pixel lighting, I am pretty sure, nor stencil shadows. I don't think you realize the crucial difference...
  9. W

    What kind of nerd are you?

    That MSN "digital IQ" test only will present how lazy you are.(with all the PDA and labtop questions...) I think there are better tests out there to really tell if you are a nerd or not. Any specific links to other "nerd" tests?
  10. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    My time limit of editing the previous post has expired so do you guys think stencil shadows + per pixel lighting would be a great addition to hl2?
  11. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    My paragraph is quite explanatory. I ask why valve kept shadows and lighting so simple in half-life 2 instead of taking advantage of the latest hardware using per-pixel lighting and stencil shadow volumes. For those of you who don't know what Stencil Shadows are, stencil shadows are a rendering...
  12. W

    Why didn't valve design half-life 2 to have stencil shadows?

    I mean the direct-x9/direct-x 8 cards can handle it great and the direct-x7/direct-x6 cards don't handle it great so why did they just import soft render-to-texture shadowmapped shadows for dx9 mode and straight render-to-texture shadowmapped shadows for dx8 mode and blob shadows for dx7 mode...
  13. W

    Why Valve is quiet

    ....typewriters? Right. *ahem* Anyways I think VAlve is being quiet cause they are brewing up a big surprise! ;)
  14. W

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    How can you say it will be better as a fact? Sure IYO it might be as you see it, but other people may think half-life 1 as a much greater game. :rolleyes:
  15. W

    What kind of nerd are you?

    LOL my brother took the test and he got -77!!! :laugh:
  16. W

    What kind of nerd are you?

    Digital IQ test Man Has anyone scored over 200?
  17. W

    What kind of nerd are you?

    150, w00t! :bounce: :smoking: :dork:
  18. W

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Oh, anyway let's get back on topic: HL1 VS HL2.
  19. W

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    Maybe a demo like half-life uplink?
  20. W

    HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?

    I really hope VALVE will create a sequel to one of the greatest and most successfull game of all time that holds its own and advances from the original half-life in every way. If only VALVE released a demo so we may be able to predict if that's true...