A black guy in the 70s with an afro and a bandana? They're sure it's jimi how exactly? :laugh:
This is still awesome though, Jimi is such a god :D
EDIT: nm, link clicked
Thread about doing all your coursework at the last possible minute? I thought everyone did that... D:
You got bullied for 8 years and left school over it kat..? That must have been so horrible :(
"I regret to inform you that dark clouds threaten to cover your blue skies"
Dark clouds in england are more the norm than the exception unfortunately :P (although summer is right around the corner, WOOOO)
Just go to a 24hour supermarket on the night, I think tesco is the best for midnight releases, but I've never actually tried it
EDIT: beaten by a minute, f ucks sake!
I have it, it's fantastic :D
I've played it with a wavebird and the wiiwheel, it was easier to control with the wavebird (it felt a lot like DD which ive played rather a lot of), but the wiiwheel was probably more fun
I can see myself pumping many hours into this :D