I'm really looking forward to play the coastline level(s), It has some sort of Mad Max style wasteland feeling over it. It will be fun to do som ''work of salvation'' in ravenholm, and the inner city fights looks so sweet! But the begining looks very atmospheric according to the videos and...
Where did you get it?! Tell my or you shall die a painfull death :devil:
Anyway, I think they've made a good dessision in choosing techno style music, I loved the music in the coastline video, even though I usualy don't like techno very much.
I will hold my copy with both hands to protect it from the outside world as I travel home by buss. Once I get home I'll take a jolt or two from my special Half-Life2-jolt-and-coke supply and install the game. Then I will jump up and down while making hamster-like sounds. After that I'll play the...
aah perfect timing, 8 minutes after I finished chapter 24 :E It is indeed The best fanfiction. I long for the next chapter almost as much as for the game itself...
****! I'm so ****ing angry! All my Half Life 2 movies and all Half Life related stuff is gone from my comp! :angry: I had more than 1.5 GB movies **** **** ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!