ok I guess I was thinking of something else..I do remember hearing something about that (the Hussien family stepping down) in the week or so leading up to this insanity,I just can't remember what it was in connection with..oh well,not like it matters much anymore..
BTW I was directing the...
didn't Saddam and his sons have to step down/turn themselves in as part of the "no war" deal? maybe I'm thinking of something else...
I just seem to remember Bush gave Saddam some kind of notice about things and thats when he didn't comply..not that this makes what is going on ok,but perhaps...
well they did the music for the first quake..didn't they? well at least Trent did..not sure how much the whole of NIN was involved
BTW is there anyway to save that trailer to my PC? I would like to show my non-internet having friend that trailer
Doom was THE first FPS to grab peoples attention outside of gamers..mostly because it was sooo evil and satanic..
but I think that is why many people refer to it as THE ONE/the granddaddy or whatever
I was referring to when he tossed the gun away,also known as when he DIDN'T have a gun in his hands..
if he had grabbed the NEAREST weapon...if it WAS a 2x4/metal pipe...it could have been messy..thats all I was saying..
EDIT:yeah what Hectic said!!
one question..what would you like ME to do about any of this? should I find a "grassy knoll" and a rifle? is that your plan? seriously though...
what do you want people to do about this? go to war? I haven't heard ONE solution,just "OMG america is sooo wicked..how can they do this?"
damn!! that poor bastard! :D :D
its funny..quite a few people I know(myself included) have been having zombie dreams lately..
and now I am helping out with some friends TV show(link in sig) which has to do with zombies..
MOST people in the world have no knowledge of history..the schools teach a very edited and dumbed down version of history for the most part
sorry..part of my problem is that I listened to my grandfather who was born in 1910 about a lot of the shit he lived through..instead of relying on...
I think he was speaking hypothetically..
but can you imagine what the South would do if you tried to take away their "God-given" right to own guns? some pissed off rednecks!!
seriously though guns are not alive so how the hell do they go around killing? oh yeah...PEOPLE using the guns is...
blind stupidity..why does religion have to try to disprove things we can see/hear/touch with intangible things?
why can't people let god and science get along?look for the damned middle ground FFS!
we evolved from apes,that maybe god had put a little more into than the others which is why...
@ No Limit
I wasn't trying to "discredit" this..just trying to point out the inconsistencies with what some people say is "evil"..and where did the black thing come from?
what is being done to these prisoners isn't good but damn whats the point of prison if its a daycare center? isn't it...
thank you for answering my little questions! I do agree with you about the hypocrisy,I just get a little upset by things like this..
I read in the paper yesterday that some sunni had blown up himself and some shiites(sp?) in a mosque,and do you know who the crowd inside and out of the mosque...
soo terribly sorry for being off topic..
but it just pisses me off that both sides are so damn blind that they are willingly doing what Al-Qaeda and other groups want..fighting eachother instead of fighting them..
what does it matter that the USA is a "first world" country? or that these...