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  1. He@t!

    Release before August?

    Haha i seriously think so also.
  2. He@t!

    Cannot chat???

    Well i just got home from work and wanted to play cs,It connected fine all is good till i try and type something to talk.It says for everyone to see it #Cstrike_Chat_AllDead and #Cstrike_Chat_All.I cant see anyone chat juss says #cstrike_chat etc.... Does anyone know whats up? BTW- it was...
  3. He@t!

    *benchmark thread*

    Cool.. thnx alot Pressure and blahblahblah !!!
  4. He@t!

    *benchmark thread*

    Hey blah what Graphics card did u have before and what score did u get in 3dmark03? This is mine. P4 3.4 Ghz 2gig of Kingston 3200 ddr 9800xt 3dmark03 Score=6517 U think this is score is low for my System?Everything is stock speed.
  5. He@t!

    *benchmark thread*

    Update P4 3.4 Ghz 2gig of Kingston 3200 ddr 9800xt 3dmark03 Score=6517
  6. He@t!

    Official Gold-Date Estimate

    Cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sniper:
  7. He@t!

    "Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in..."

    SooOOooO Basically Sept. 30th? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  8. He@t!

    Official Gold-Date Estimate

    SoooOoooO Basically Sept. 30th ? :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
  9. He@t!

    Muffled sound from headphones

    :( What Sound card did u buy?
  10. He@t!

    Muffled sound from headphones

    Win XP pro 3.4 p4 2gig pc3200 ram Soundblaster audigy gamer sound card ATi 9800xt I just updated my sound card driver and now i get a muffled sound kinda like a little echo from my headphones ONLY .:( When i turn on my Klipsch speakers it sounds Fine but with the headphones i get a...
  11. He@t!

    Mystery Alien - Whats he doing?

    "my Precious"
  12. He@t!

    Gamespy or Gamespot Video

    LoL...Ill wait for the bink.but hopefully not a year
  13. He@t!

    WoOoHoOO.They fixed the Crosshair!

    Woot! :sniper::bounce::thumbs: :bounce: :sniper:
  14. He@t!

    what do u think of cs's latest update

    DOH!!! Doesnt work for me!! :flame:
  15. He@t!

    what do u think of cs's latest update

    BtW i have to make a folder for the 640hud7.spr? or just toss it in the Sprites folder?
  16. He@t!

    what do u think of cs's latest update

    The cross hair fix doesnt work for me..Prolly cuz im using 1600x1200 res :angry:
  17. He@t!

    what do u think of cs's latest update

    I knew it..its one of their ways that they think they can balance out the game..... :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  18. He@t!

    what do u think of cs's latest update

    I just hate the crosshairs..How do i make it smaller?
  19. He@t!

    Half-Life 2 demo?

    Most likely there will not be a demo be4 the release maybe after though
  20. He@t!

    What will you do when HL2 in finaly installed!

    I agree.. ten character limit ..