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  1. kenyo

    cd-key probs, HELP! EDIT: it is fake so ya now, i dont have warez!
  2. kenyo

    cd-key probs, HELP!

    i while back i bot opposing force, it came in a green case with a cd-key, i lost hl1 so i could never play it, but now steam exists and i thought i could. i typed my opposing force cd-key into steam and it siad it was invalid! i made sure i didnt mess up, i didnt type it rong. what do i...
  3. kenyo


    ACTUARY it is like stealing the car engine with out the car
  4. kenyo

    Alien Vs Predator : Review

    cant you tell? it was half-alien half-preditor! makes no sence but it was abviusly, it looked like a alain and a preditor!
  5. kenyo

    Pimp My ride (Physics gun with welder)

    some one make a movie of a rocket cannister car!
  6. kenyo

    This was how Half-Life 2 was advertised.

    yeah! it was advertising source not hl2
  7. kenyo

    Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

    your sig links dont work!
  8. kenyo

    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    i think that one was siad
  9. kenyo

    Beat my tower

    the pile of barrels, or your computer? :laugh:
  10. kenyo

    The most deadly Half-Life enemy?

    garg is the best, i voted strider but only couse i didnt remeber gonarch's name tell now.
  11. kenyo

    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    you should have looked at how far they were b4 you posted
  12. kenyo

    What you want next? Expansion pack or sequel?

    DOG! you can throw cars! (without having to modify gravgun limit)
  13. kenyo

    Master Chief pwned by Gordon

    your name is spartan, your in a hl2 furom, and he siad he like halo. first off, exspect to see hl2 fanboys in a hl2 furom second off, you look like a halo fanboy with that name and post there! (this is not meant as a flame)
  14. kenyo

    Alyx Vance vs. Judith Mossman

    there is 10014 votes on breen, is this a glitch? or did some guy with power over this site vote 10000 times?
  15. kenyo

    Who thinks HL3 will start on a train ride?

    at the end you get teleported, werther you take the job or not! and the trian in half-life 1 was a diferent kind of trian! so i don't think that was anything to do with starting on a trian in hl2 i voted yes
  16. kenyo

    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    71. you cant seem to stop saying: half-life 2 rocks!
  17. kenyo

    Vote for HL:2 at Now!

    yeah! so who cares if spike awards a game like halo 2 cus spike sucks
  18. kenyo

    Which character would you want to be the most in REAL LIFE?

    i wanna be D.O.G so i can throw cars at houses, but after it would suck couse the military would probly be after you! and the'd RPG your ass!
  19. kenyo

    F-in HACKERS!!!

    lol! anyways i have been banned so many times for skill on so many games!!! i'd kill him a bit and he yell: you hacker!!! then message: you've been banned! and i got banned for skill on AvP2 2! just couse your better then the idiot you get banned! and i've never hacked a fps in my...
  20. kenyo

    Source Code Humor

    LOL those are some funny "\\" (unused bye progam) messages!:laugh: