i while back i bot opposing force, it came in a green case with a cd-key, i lost hl1 so i could never play it, but now steam exists and i thought i could.
i typed my opposing force cd-key into steam and it siad it was invalid! i made sure i didnt mess up, i didnt type it rong.
what do i...
your name is spartan, your in a hl2 furom, and he siad he like halo.
first off, exspect to see hl2 fanboys in a hl2 furom
second off, you look like a halo fanboy with that name and post there!
(this is not meant as a flame)
at the end you get teleported, werther you take the job or not!
and the trian in half-life 1 was a diferent kind of trian!
so i don't think that was anything to do with starting on a trian in hl2
i voted yes
anyways i have been banned so many times for skill on so many games!!!
i'd kill him a bit and he yell: you hacker!!! then message: you've been banned!
and i got banned for skill on AvP2 2!
just couse your better then the idiot you get banned!
and i've never hacked a fps in my...