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  1. Glirk Dient

    Judge rules Air Freshener probable cause for Police Search for drugs

    The military is made up of mostly kids with families back home. They would ditch the military in a second if everyone took up arms against the government.
  2. Glirk Dient

    Judge rules Air Freshener probable cause for Police Search for drugs

    This is horrible alarming news. You people see this as Stern hating america. In reality he is warning us of the slippery road america is heading down. A lot of laws and rulings recently have given the police/government unnecessary power that has the potential to be abused and some day it will...
  3. Glirk Dient

    Student confides to principal she's a lesbian, he goes on gay witch hunt

    Agreed he should have gotten a much worse punishment. I say bar him from the education system as someone who denies students basic human rights has no place there.
  4. Glirk Dient


    Not in the same sense. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. Religion justifies killing people as their ancient scriptures suggest death for numerous minor offenses and many genocides have been justified by the "good" word of the lord. Religion is based upon...
  5. Glirk Dient

    i think i've been saying this all along

    This guy invaded a country on false claims and didn't get a single thing right the whole seriously find it surprising he ignored information of an attack on our country?
  6. Glirk Dient

    Racist PSA

    This ad made me wish I was black so I could get on elevators all day and do that to everyone.
  7. Glirk Dient

    Retarded mother forces all-boys school to accept daughter

    I agree with her. It's stupid to have boys and girls seperated. You do you kids a disservice by seperating them as they gain a lot of social ability from socializing with the opposite sex.
  8. Glirk Dient

    Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

    I'm not gonna lie...I would totally do shippi if she was wearing that armor.
  9. Glirk Dient

    Dont taze me bro, I'm not going to jump

    Police: Hey you can't hurt yourself! *ZAP* Thats my job!
  10. Glirk Dient

    PETA is quite retarded

    I eat tasty meat and there is nothing wrong with that. Animals kill other animals to eat. Humans are animals therefor I will eat all the meat I want to.
  11. Glirk Dient

    Deleted Partition Recovery

    You need expensive software or a professional. It can cost a lot, but it's your call whether that info is worth the money to you.
  12. Glirk Dient

    Who else did pranks when they left high school? Who did one as good as this?

    My friends and I hacked into the school network and sent a message throughout the whole district network that made a window pop up and say "I'm watching you". It was really funny until the FBI showed up.
  13. Glirk Dient

    California to legalize recreational marijuana

    Exactly...alcohol isn't so bad in moderation. Much like every drug out there. Alcohol and even fast food are exponentially more dangerous to your health. Yet they are legal. Our government needs a sensible drug regulation instead of the failed war on drugs. It's not that it will be the doom of...
  14. Glirk Dient

    California to legalize recreational marijuana

    Those aren't anywhere near as damaging to health as alcohol is. Alcohol releases toxins in the brain that kills brain cells. It damages the liver, is addicting and causes LOTS of deaths per year. None of those do. Just because alcohol is legal does not mean it isn't a dangerous drug. If it were...
  15. Glirk Dient

    California to legalize recreational marijuana

    Back on topic guys... Alcohol actually is very harmful health. There was a British study that listed 20 drugs in order from least to most harmful. Alcohol was #5. Tobacco was 9 and marijuana was 11. Marijuana should be legalized so people have a safer recreation drug choice.
  16. Glirk Dient

    freedom getting raped, officialy and legally of the once free. I can't believe this sort of stuff happens. It honestly scares me what sort of world we will be living in 20 years from now. Every year 1984 becomes more of a shocking reality.
  17. Glirk Dient

    Losing internets at home until mid next week...

    How will you go that long without fapping material? START DOWNLOADING NOW!
  18. Glirk Dient

    Ooo, it's a tough one...

    lies! It's just like commercials for dating websites. As soon as he gets the pedal tons of hot girls will assault him(especially if he is wearing axe) and he will be molested for hours by hot girls. Definately worth $200.
  19. Glirk Dient

    Ooo, it's a tough one...

    Agreed I would hope he has some game cause that is pretty much required. Guys that get a lot of girls are either alpha males or guitar players. Also an effects pedal makes guitar even more fun.
  20. Glirk Dient

    North Korean soliders gun down woman

    QFT. Teach her to be out of the kitchen. Maybe next time when she is told to make a sandwhich she should listen. Hey guys...why don't women need drivers licenses? Because there is no road between the kitchen and the bedroom! Oh snap!