Another program called VTF Explorer will let you view VTF files without having to extract them via thumbnails. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated in years and may never be again but you can download it here:;4333494;/fileinfo.html
This version...
I agree too.
I prefer to have stuff that's stationary all the time wired as much as possible. If you have any desktops then I'd say it'd be best to connect them using stadard ethernet in the same room or the next. Wireless is great for laptops because of the mobility so it's an obvious choice...
Unfortunatly, I don't think you can have illumination (glow) and alpha trasparency in one material. You can only have either one of them at a time. Unless there's a secret command that allows you to use the normal map alpha channel for something other than specular then there's no way real way...
Replacing complex brushwork with an equivilant model will help improve performance overall as it's cheaper to render them. The only problem is the amount of work you may have to put into it.
Thanks for the suggestions. :)
I have tried a proxy but it didn't work. I probably didn't set it up properly so I'll give it another shot. I'm using Bitlord at the moment. It's OK but doesn't have many options so I may try Azureus.
I would switch ISP but most of them are shit in this...
Currently I seem to be unable to bittorrent anything regardless of the content. I found out my ISP (Pipex is known to restrict these activites or "throttle" as I think it's known as. I last heard that during peak times all bittorrent data is restricted to 20kb/s for...
Used IE initially and then tried out MyIE2 but it was shit (although it may have improved now since I last tried it, like 4 years ago. :|). In those 4 years I've just used Opera and IE for pages that don't work in Opera. I've gotten use to using it and I like it so I can't see any point switching.
I was waiting to see what AMD could muster before building a completely new computer but if the Phenom is as dissapointing as they say in the reviews then I guess I may as well go Intel.
Yeah, the last thing you'll want is sugar so I doubt you have it. The most obvious symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst and urination. My younger brother was diagnosed with Type-1 about 5 years ago. Just be thankful you won't have to have insulin injections everyday for the rest of your life.
Most image editors like PS have a batch execution for repetitive tasks like image resizing. In PS it's File > Automate > Batch... You have to record a set of actions first in the "Action" window tab.
I don't get why some people who play as a Spy think they can run around killing loads of people and not get caught. I was playing yesterday and this player who just plays as a Spy and rarely anything else (top on the points chart, too) was whining because I kept killing him before he got near...
Yeah, I think it shouldn't be allowed but there are other problems sort of similar to this. Just yesterday I saw a Demoman get over the train cart of cp_well before the start-up timer lapsed. I've also seen Snipers shooting through it too.
Last really cheap games I bought were a couple of years ago. Got Destruction Derby 2 and Nuclear Strike (loved this game) for ?2 each from Staples. Shame they won't work since they're so old so I've never even played them. I got Destruction Derby aswell for like a quid. :D
I also got Project...
Spies are fine the way they are. I've killed so many with the Snipers knife before. :D It's annoying to be stabbed but most of the time you can tell whose a Spy by the way they act. It is hard to spot them amongst lots of action though.
You might aswell get one anyway as their so cheap. I've had a Soundblaster Live! card for 5 years that cost me ?20 at the time and the sound is still better than some onboard chipsets. What CPU do you have? If it's quite old or a Celeron/Semprom then it might be good idea to get one. I doubt...