models will been put in the "models" folder.
try it..
If it still wont work reply and show me the files and i'll check it.
Even as mapper you must do alot with models, like characters npc's you gotta set his waypoints, order them to do sequences (animations), load scripts and we can go on...
True True but he didn't asked this if he's really a modeller he should know this.
I won't give information that people...
Models into the "models" folder of the game than use prop_static and load your model in.
Make sure you've put the model in the right directory so when you startup your sdk with HL2DM, put the models in "Steam\steamapps\%username%\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\models\"
Have fun :)
This is the...
As far as I know hl2 deathmatch doesn't support this buggy.
the only vehicle that works is the airboat, try "impulse 83" or "impulse 82" (In Console) 1 of them is for the airboat the other for the buggy.
But the buggy wont spawn so thats what i ment with no support...
Btw with original HL2...
Yea thanks alot now its working ^^
All animations work now.
Well i'll go on with my textures and all of that.
And hopefully i can make my mod that i was planning to make when my models are done :)
for those who got same problem:
Solution: "lower part of model goes crazy"
And for...
okey tried the same with the default urban model and same result..
Here this 1 is with the default urban model hope you know whats wrong :/
smd & qc files:
Link removed
(I'm using xsi for modeling)
Heya guys I just joined today cause I'm being busy with my model like 2 days to get it right..
well whats the prob:
when I compiled the model and check it in the model viewer,
I load an animation/sequence and the whole lower section of the model rotates 90 degrees..
here take a look: