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  1. Cooper

    Britian spies on Russia with a rock

    So, when will Russia execute them? That is, if they survive interrogation.
  2. Cooper

    Women disrespecting themselfs?? :S?

    New? No. More glorified? Yes. Therefore we shall call it 'increasing'. Happy now?
  3. Cooper

    Women disrespecting themselfs?? :S?

    Society is degrating women and few women are making any effort to stop it. I hesitate to say that they brought it on themselves, but usually when someone opens their legs its because they want to. It has become the 'norm' so to speak. Honestly, what is most publicized in Hollywood? Sex...
  4. Cooper

    If you met God, what would you ask?

    "So, when you made women...the way they think and was an accident wasn't it?" "Yeah."
  5. Cooper

    Iraq - What would you do right now?

    Well, I have been gone for a bit. There is my excuse for not replying. The reason for starting this thread is pretty much on line with what was quoted here: . I am not trying to apologize or defer blame. I was actually hopeing to get a consensus of the general world view on how things could...
  6. Cooper

    Iraq - What would you do right now?

    We have a lot of "the world/US sucks" people on the forum who are very good at pointing out the problems at hand but seem to rather lackluster on the solutions. Lets prove that we can do more then just complain all day, many claim that they are smarter then most world leaders today. Well, here...
  7. Cooper

    "Its just a goddam piece of paper"

    Interesting. But I think you understand our dilemma, I have one website claiming that my President said this and yet no one else is. On one hand I don't want to believe it and only have one website report it makes me think its a bunch of hogwash. While on the other hand just because one...
  8. Cooper

    "Its just a goddam piece of paper"

    In response to the original topic post: Why are we not seeing this recognition by other news outlets? Why am I only seeing the President call my Constitution a piece of paper on the internet? I honestly want to know. The Constitution is the highest law of the land, something many of us...
  9. Cooper

    Hot Chocolate

    All right gentleman, lets settle this like men. What do you use in your hot chocolate?
  10. Cooper

    Canadian Liberal Party wants to ban handguns

    It will be interesting to see how effective this law will be.
  11. Cooper

    Saddam's Trial

    Lol, I didn't know they had a sequel. I actually had a poli science professor tell me today that this trial is by far more entertaining then the Simpson one.
  12. Cooper

    Saddam's Trial

    You almost had me convinced with your nerve gas proof and all. Almost. But sadly, I felt it lacked in evidence, responsiveness and relevance with the current subject. It was a good try though. I think the Iraqi's are the scared ones. Here in America judges are anything but timid. Heh...
  13. Cooper

    Iraq Hostages

    I like how a post about terrorists taken western hostages is ignored and yet a post about Iraqi kids throwing rocks is all of a sudden extremely popular. But then again, their the freedom fighters right? It kind of reminds me of all the posts about US soldiers killing mostly women and...
  14. Cooper

    CIA flying prisons to secret prisons to be tortured/killed

    If what I am getting from you is correct, you'd rather be dead then have no rights? You'd rather be dead then try and fight for those rights of yours and your children Absinthe? Seems like a defeatist view to me. Your choice though.
  15. Cooper

    "Gay weddings"

    Yay for gay men! Less straight men means more women for me!
  16. Cooper

    HALO 3 to come on 4 DVDs ?

    I don't care how big you make Halo, they were never all that great to begin with. I'd rather see an updated version of Goldeneye on 360.
  17. Cooper

    The best personality test

    For some reason, when you didn't post your personality in the first post I got a little suspicious. And when it allowed me to click on "next page" without filling in any bubbles I knew something was up. Nice try though. ;)
  18. Cooper

    Ever pulled a hiest?

    Nope, I have never intentionally stolen anything. I've often hoped I would catch a robber in the act just so I could beat the living **** out of them. I have no mercy for those who break just laws, and profit at anothers expense. What do computer games have to do with free thought in...
  19. Cooper

    Innocent Man Killed By The Texas Government

    Perhaps your thinking of treason? You must have two witnesses for that. Heh, the Romans were not a civilization? For those who are more knowledgable then me in this subject: if we did not have the death penalty how much more crowded would our jails be? Also, is there any evidence...
  20. Cooper

    Who wants to pick my major

    Why don't you just major in mathematics and then teach it? There is also physics, accounting, business, programming, engineering, and systems.