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  1. ranmafan

    Need help in fixing HL2 SP

    I just found another way to fix it. Copy all the .dll files from the hl2/bin folder into the hl2 folder. It was on the Steam Forums. :D This is for those who get the same error now.
  2. ranmafan

    Need help in fixing HL2 SP

    Oh, in case you're wondering, it gives me that launcher.dll error. Please help! ;(
  3. ranmafan

    Need help in fixing HL2 SP

    Hi all, I can't find a proper thread dealing with this, but I know this has been posted before. After installing HL2 Deathmatch, I am now unable to run the single player aspect of HL2. Is there any known fix for this or am I screwed until a patch comes out? ;( Don't tell me if I...
  4. ranmafan

    Funny screenshots.

    Nice find! :thumbs:
  5. ranmafan


    Now THAT's what you call "Taking out the Trash!" :laugh:
  6. ranmafan

    Stuck at "kill all snipers"

    Or, watch the birdies...
  7. ranmafan

    Funniest HL2DM Moments!

    I've launched ammo boxes at people for want of better things to throw. I don't know if it hurt them though. Other funny moments - Blowing up, and having mine blown up, explosive barrels people are carrying with their grav guns. And yes, that game of catch happens quite often. Back and...
  8. ranmafan

    So... about those sprays.

    I wonder if my spray is going to make some people shoot at walls? :D (It's under the Animated Spray thread on the CS:S forum)
  9. ranmafan

    Funny Faces

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: WAAAAAAAAAHAAAAHAAAHAAHAAA~!!!!! BEST one so far!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  10. ranmafan

    Small details that make this game superior

    For me, one of the finer points is the way bullets sound when fired from a distance. A dull pop rather than the generic rattle from any distance. I don't know about you guys, but that works for me. (I have some experience in the Army, so yeah.) And the stay off the sand bit reminded me...
  11. ranmafan

    Father Gregoni

    Absolute 100% Gold. I thought of Dawn of the Dead when I saw that. :E
  12. ranmafan

    Girl on girl ;)

    Caption time!!!! :D #1 - "Uh oh. NOW the teleporter's gone and done it." #2 - "Looks like G-Man really needs more of the right person in the right places at the right times." :cheese:
  13. ranmafan

    Animated Sprays...

    Hey, I made my own animated Spray! Comments. :afro:
  14. ranmafan

    BOGGED!!!!!!! <-- pick this one or be banned! :) Toilted vs Plumbed, the physics verb

    I prefer smacked or bashed, but that's just me.
  15. ranmafan

    Why Can't You Throw Corpses? (Spoilers)

    It's true. I was playing around with the massive chasms in the Citadel by spawning all manner of monsters to kill. No matter what kills the Combine troops (zombies, antlions, antlion guards, etc.), their weapons simply dissolve. I haven't tried civilians yet though. By the way, you can't grab...
  16. ranmafan

    Thing that Breen was talking to *Possible HL3 Spoiler*

    It's a giant grub in a sack using floatation devices to keep itself from collapsing under its own weight, implants to keep it alive and functioning, and... has a plug in the back of its suit for God knows what. It really reminds me of Starship Troopers now. Getting in is Hell. Taking it out...
  17. ranmafan

    So what's an incindiary gun and an ice axe?

    Why would anyone want to use anything other than the crowbar? :laugh:
  18. ranmafan

    freakiest bad guys

    Some people DO care. Now go sit in your corner. Yes, I personally hate those screaming leaping zombies too. They're the only enemies to have really scared me throughout the entire game. Now try double-shotgunning one when it's leaping at you. If it was anymore real, Gordon would be gagging...
  19. ranmafan

    Stuck in Chapter12 (need help, plz!)

    Let's see... did you take the one at the top of the stairs with a lot of turrets? A screenshot would help. I know that it is possible to get to all three no matter what. I think you missed the one in the corridor just besides the staircase (there should be a laser wire with two turrets inside)...