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  1. derby

    maps can be 16X bigger?

    Mods may be able to increase the map size, +-16384 units means that each co-ordinate is stored as 3 15 bit integers. If it is anything like the HL1 format, brushes are specified as four or more interecting planes and each plane is described using 3 integers. If each of these integers is stored...
  2. derby

    A map I'd like to see....king of the anthill

    That sounds like a great idea. I made this Quake1 DM map where you fought to the top of this 3 storey horse shoe shaped building. At the top there was a button that made all the foors open up. Everyone fell on top of eachother on the ground floor and started a massacre. It was fun to watch...
  3. derby

    Can you model up to HL2's standards?

    No, I don't think I can model to Half-life 2's standards. Sorry.
  4. derby

    my MP5

    I've never tried it either. I use clay.
  5. derby

    Still downloading the media? This screenshot should hold you over.

    How about .png? Or anything with RLE would have been smaller with no loss in quality...
  6. derby


    Here's a whole thread where every aspect of antlion life has been discussed, including the FFIV antlions.
  7. derby

    Bugs in single player Half-Life 1!

    I have also experienced this bug. It is especially annoying as I prefer to play large sections of the game at a time rather than quicksaving every three seconds.
  8. derby

    Do you consider yourself a geek?

    It's an example of a word that has changed usage. No-one can deny that nowdays geek refers to an introverted computer enthuisant, but going by the original meaning (which I was going to post before someone beat me to it) I am not a geek. I am not employed by a circus, nor to I behead foul with...
  9. derby

    [OT]-DooM III screens and info

    Actually the 9500 pro is faster than the 9600 pro in almost all benchmarks. Basically ATI couldn't afford to keep producing the 9500 as it had most of the same hardware as the 9700 but with some of it disabled.
  10. derby

    Mod decisions.

    I prefer the mysterious 3rd mod.
  11. derby

    HL2 : The Fighting MOD

    You should check out this thread: MOD: hand to hand combat It's an old post but there's a lot of useful discussion about what is being proposed here.
  12. derby

    How real are the physics...this real!?

    I think it would be more than 'quite tricky' to do properly since water behaves chaotically. I'd like to see if someone could do a reasonable approximation. I'ts been done in 2d, I suppose it depends on how complex your 3d evironment is.
  13. derby

    Strang/Odd unexplainable encounters while playing HL

    Yeah, I was playing B&W late at night when it started whispering my name. I decided to go to bed and stop thinking about it. It was a few months later when I was looking through the sounds from the game when I noticed all the names.
  14. derby

    Radeon 9700 Pro underpowered- or is my PC broken?

    The hardware forum is dead because everyone posts on the 'General Discussion' forum isntead. Everyone posts hardare stuff on 'General Discussion' because the hardware forum is dead. It's a viscous circle that is not helped by everyone following the crowd and posting hardware stuff here. Mods...
  15. derby

    First model ever

    /\ Is that even English? | I have a question: is that a real gun, or modelled from your imagination?
  16. derby

    Haha hello, the bar is higher!

    Evil, I believe you have been 'Owned'. I think people got overexcited with this new scalable engine and imagined the feature that alters LOD when framerates start to drop. It it most likely entirely distance based. So no LOD for the weapon model. Guess this rules out go-go-gadget arms as a...
  17. derby

    50 different enemies?

    What if they count each instance as a different enemy, (in a room with three combine soliders there would be three different enemies). In that case there would certainly be 'over 50 enemies' Seriously, if HL1 had 23 enemies HL2 could easily have 50. What I'd really like to see in a game are...
  18. derby

    doom 3 a joke?

    Doom ]I[ will PwnZ00RRRz!!1111!!1! Is that what you want me to say? Is it? Is it? Did you post here because it's nice when everyone agrees with you, it makes you feel accpeted. Imagine posting the same to a D3 forum. Maybe you were just curious. In that case, use the search function to see...
  19. derby

    How Well Will This System Run Half-Life 2?

    Oh I remeber these questions. If valve reply on this forum then you get a cookie.
  20. derby

    Great Map Idea to Challenge Physics

    Let's hope that the physics engine is deterministic (they don't use any randomised variables). If it isn't then this sort of thing owuld be almost impossible.