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    Error 1305

    that happened to me. i tried to reinstall and it worked fine.
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    Cable internet not efficient.

    can somoene else please help
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    Cable internet not efficient.

    Hi, i have a 5mb Cable connection which doesnt go as fast as it should. My average download speed is probably around 400k/s. I know it should be MUCh faster. What can i do to speed up my connection? I heard that you can somehow regulate the download speeds or something. anyways, please help...
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    Idea: NPC Arena

    you should make a video of that. that would be sick.
  5. B

    To the makers of Half Life 2.

    my 9700P does that too. there is no way you can fix it. exchange the card as soon as possible. it will continue to get worse untill it breaks down completely.
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    exact location of black mesa

    i dont think there is a sign, its not very accesible. its fenced off and there is like a mile between the fence and the actual mesa.
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    exact location of black mesa

    o, black mesa is not a town, its a sight. its just a pretty big round mesa which is completely black almost.
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    exact location of black mesa

    its right by pojaque and espanola
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    exact location of black mesa

    i live like 15 min away from black mesa.
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    Please help!! Video Card Going CRAZY!!!

    my 9700Pro does the EXACT same thing. exchange the card immediately; from now itll only get worse and never go back to normal.
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    HIGH ping

    how do you adjust your rate?
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    Cool videos youve shot

    haha, thats a good vid.
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    Cool videos youve shot

    dead link
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    Cool videos youve shot

    o, its not the x800xt (on the way) its my old 9700pro
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    Cool videos youve shot

    bump, i know you guys have some vids.
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    Cool videos youve shot

    Hey, i cant play the game yet cuz my gfx card is ****ed up, but im curious to see what cool stuff people have done. Post your vids and please include a spoiler mark if its a spoiler.
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    What is wrong?

    I attatched a screenshot. it doesnt look that bad, but when i launch a game there are artifacts everywhere and its unplayable.
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    What is wrong?

    any other suggestions?
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    What is wrong?

    Hey, It looks like my 9700Pro is overheating, but idk. There are constantly blue blocks on my comp and they rarely go away. They are even present on startup after the comp has been of for hours. I have tried downloading ATItool and lowering some clock speeds, but unfortunately that did not...
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    Half-Life's Story "copied" from Doom?

    i got banned a lil back for posting in such a thread. it was actually half life who copied the original doom... do your hw before you start making retarded posts.