Water is good actually, the reason you get hungover is because you are dehydrated. And you can't speed up the rate of detoxification with water if thats what you meant by running through the body faster.
Marco, there is not much you can do now that I know of, short of drinking more of course...
Badger, you are going to have a blast, ive been here for maybe two weeks and i'm already having the best time of my life. Gauranteed you will enjoy it. Residence for the win.
Are you emo? then go crazy with all kinds of wacky shit you want.
If not, no don't, this pink fad is becoming a lil too played out.
I cant even imagine a straight guy wearing pink shoes, let alone converse.
I started first year of university today, also living in residence. If you get the chance to live in residence....do it. i've only been here two days and already i'm having the time of my life.
This is the route I usually take, if i do alert someone of a problem, it would probably be my family or friends, but the problem would have to be that I am currently dead or somethin to that effect
-Dont know who jack thompson is, so I would crush his skull with my bicep, then initiate fire blast level 4 and destroy the swat.
-wallow in my despair and tears of sorrow and depression.
-Stop the car, get out of the car, walk over to chipmunk, wave broadsword over my head to an epic fanfare...
The only people i know are mr badger (your first name, was it not? (i cant remember) ) chris_D and feath, that rhymes with teeth.
out of them all i think badger has the best rep, cause hes been active since the beginning, and cause he used to have a little baby badger as his avatar, i think.