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  1. Stone

    me, myself, and my leanne...

    I geuss i already know htat, i geuss i just need to admit it to myself..... I do hate it when the world has background music...everywhere i've gone today has had depressing music on, about choicing, and love :( i know it's just my brain telling me that, but it sure isn't damn healthy
  2. Stone

    Goodbye dear forum

    sorry to see you go Evil, i'll miss you, you loverable piece of hell spawn you... ;( make's me want to go get my coat for the last time too ;(
  3. Stone

    me, myself, and my leanne...

    hey guys, I thought for once I'd turn the tables, I've tried to be here for people with emotional worries on this board, from women, to dreams, i've always tried to give valuble advice....but now I think i need to open up and let out my heart.... These alst weeks have been hard, I am...
  4. Stone

    Are you male or female

    ;( me just wants to give you a hug now, male or female doesnt matter, black, white, yellow, pink, green or radient purple either way everyone is a person.... You don't have to pretty, you don't have to be smart, everyones a person....the trouble is admitting it to yourself..........
  5. Stone

    M-83 Smoke grenade

    no unfortunately this isn't done Ichi, as it is unsafe practice...imagine running around with a grenade that someone has already been running around with.....most damage comes from the actual person carrying the grenade...... ......oh ok, in some cases this happens but i'm just being picky :P
  6. Stone

    T-32 Heavy Tank

    thanks tim, as always your a life savour... now i can make this and get MrBadger off my heels for a short while :cheese:..thanks again
  7. Stone

    T-32 Heavy Tank

    Hey all you lovely people, this is just a thread for a model and a request, I am currently in search of T-32 blueprints, but i cant find any anywhere... so i've come to my loveable community to ask for help...has anyone got any good referance images, or blueprints that i could have? i...
  8. Stone

    MMORPG help!

    You should try YOHOHO! Puzzle Pirates, it's the only MMORPG that i've actually ever paid for after the trial period, it is so addictive :P
  9. Stone

    Staring modeling again.

    long time no see GOoch, welcome back, i'm waiting in antisipation for some of your work :cheese:
  10. Stone

    JamieWynder`s art work (AKA: My Art work)

    yes, i think the main issue with the images is prespective as well...although they are still nice... :cheese:
  11. Stone

    Stone's Retro Art

    Thanks, I really didnt think that these would have such a great response, i might, fish some more of my work out of the deap rescess of computer hardrive hell, and post them here, see if they get as good a response...
  12. Stone

    Vote on the photoshop competition: week 3

    wow, i got a mention on the main page :cheese: I think we need more people to vote too, but at the moment, just what we've got will do
  13. Stone

    Opposition Bust

    This Mod Sounds Alot Like JailBreak for UT... and they are currently in the making of a version for UT2K3 and UT2K4, called JAILBREAK2K3
  14. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    oooeeew, nice, i like will get my vote anywhom, when it goes up for voting, nice job tim
  15. Stone


    aaawwwwwww bless your ickle cotton socks MrBadger... /me puts on Dream Guru robes... hmmm, looks like it's time for stone to get back into business again, i think :P
  16. Stone

    Grim Fandango: Who's played it?

    hehe, i just redownlaoded Beneath A Steal Sky again yesterday from the-underdogs web site :P YAY for abandon ware
  17. Stone

    Male Head Wip

    yes your post must of been lost when the server crashed the other was mine, and i cant remember what i said in any of my posts :(
  18. Stone

    The Matrix: Revolutions Discussion *SPOILERS LIKELY*

    its amazing, i watched it at the first showing here in britain....OMG, i need to go back and see it tomorrow with my gf this time tho, as i went with all my graphics group.... WOW
  19. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    lol @ Snowball hmm, has everyone given up entering :( mine really that good :P ;)
  20. Stone

    stuff to model

    ingenius, just like cold Fusion did. :D so we'd have a model one week, and then the chosen model had to be skinned the next week :P