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  1. figge

    The anti-Bush game!

    Old... but i love it :D
  2. figge


    no problem :P (did that myself first though) :cheers:
  3. figge

    hl2.php I checked this thread, and found several mentions before you... ;P "just pressing search won't help you alot"
  4. figge


    If you don't know, use SEARCH
  5. figge

    Fox News

    Same here, but i also missed the population in USA... ;P Thought it was bigger than it apperantly was...
  6. figge

    Fox News

    3% of the swedes didn't know where sweden was, so yes, i can be true... ;P
  7. figge

    Fox News

    Do you blahblah think that Fox news are somewhere near a news station that are somewhat impartial? This is 2 year old, but it confirms my thought about americans: WHERE IN THE WORLD Among 18- to 24-year-old Americans...
  8. figge

    Fox News

    Close and Same... aint the same thing... Anywell: Back to the Topic: Do you blahblah think that Fox news are somewhere near a news station that are somewhat impartial?
  9. figge

    Fox News

    In short: Communism: A totally "class"-free society - Revolution Socialism: want all classes to be equally treated - Reforms Don't seem to be the same... ...and i live in a "socialist" coutry (but i don't like this gov ;P )
  10. figge

    Fox News

    (To be totally overpicky, democracy is a country that is ruled by people, the the only thing that aint a democracy is a country ruled by robots, rats, ants or something that isn't "people") (/ end of overpickyness /)
  11. figge

    Sexuality in our society just keeps getting more complicated...

    I wanna take you to the "A" bar... ;P What do people do when the find a person they like at an "A"-bar? Go home and play monopoly?
  12. figge

    Fox News

    Socialism and comunism ain't even close (closer than communism and liberalism but still) Democracy is from the greek words Demos (the people) and Kratos (dunno the right spelling on that) = rule So the People Rule, and if the people want a Communism, how is that not a democracy? And...
  13. figge

    Fox News

    Though mine was a better scale ;P To me a conservative is: Stay with the old and despise the new... ;P If the people votes to have communism or fascism ain't that democracy?
  14. figge

    Fox News

    You miss the point. The Democrats call the Republicans Right-Wing nuts... ...and the Republicans call the Democrats liberal? And using it as it was something bad...
  15. figge

    Fox News

    I love people who can spell... ...and i'm more intressed in this election than any other. This election concerns the whole world. (All do, but this concerns the world more than the "average" country) Do you think a "reporter" that tells a person to shut up because the reporter and the...
  16. figge

    Fox News

    First of all, i want to say i don't favour ANY political party. And i Live in Sweden. :thumbs: (My english is far from perfect) I saw a program about Fox News, and i't horrified me and made me also think about City 17 and Half-life2. I don't really know how many Americans there are on...
  17. figge

    HL2 Gold Rumour (Not CS Nation)

    Get a life :dozey: Anyway... we all will have to WAIT and SEE :imu:
  18. figge

    Down with VU

    Lol, i wonder how many times this has been said, but people don't seem to care :rolleyes: (W00t 600th post ;P)
  19. figge

    Final Presidential Debate

    Can someone get worse than GW? Don't think so... VOTE KERRY
  20. figge

    And now some Music...

    Here is some tips of FREE music you can download: - This is a friend of mine since 10 years back, he is inspired by U2, Pink Floyd and Peter Gabriel, to mention few artists... :afro: