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  1. urseus

    T H E P L A N

    Lets just say every steam user should pray a store breaks the release date as soon as possible.
  2. urseus

    T H E P L A N

    This is how it goes down. The second some store starts selling it, steam will be unlocked. Thats because some guy who knows nothing about half life 2 will buy it, get it home, and try to register to play it. Because of this, it has to be unlocked for him and thus everyone. Valve have...
  3. urseus

    Day of Defeat: Source preloading?

    Yep thats what happened. Which is annoying. Why not work on your own game to release in time with hl2 and CSs, as a package. Now we have to wait till next year some time. The dod team have been in bed with valve since beta 1.3. Might be sounding too angsty, but they should have been...
  4. urseus

    do you guys thing pc's are the real gaming console?

    PCs are for serious gamers. The ones who want mods, customisable games and configurations, and most importantly, the ability to patch game bugs regularly. Consoles are for pissing about with your mates when your drunk.
  5. urseus

    No post Count! (right now, anyway)

    Posting for oldest in thread...
  6. urseus

    Day of Defeat: Source preloading?

    Good work dod team. As if youd create a version to release with Half life 2 anyway. Next years good enough. Hell, why not wait till '06.
  7. urseus

    will enemies have facial animations as well?

    All characters have some facial movment, probably only mouth sync and eye movement. Complex Gman E3 video movement is limited to super main characters, like gman alyx and Eli.
  8. urseus

    What happens to the base shared files form preloading on release?

    What id like to know, is how do you change skins and models to custom stuff in games like day of defeat. I know in the old install, you just dropped a new garand model into the models/weapons/garand.mdl and copyed over the old one. How can you do this when the whole game is just 1...
  9. urseus

    Possible Shock for Australian HL2 fans - HL2 maybe banned

    What they need is an over18s rating. Its not going to stop people under 18 getting the game, their parents will just buy it for them anyway, or most stores wouldnt give a shit. However it will statisfy the censors and allow all the good gory sexy games to get here.
  10. urseus

    Those steam people are sad

    Oh i dont know. Im sure there were plenty of sad people on these forums that sent hate mail to Somethingawfull because they thought the game had been spoiled by them, the humour going completly over their idiot heads. OMGZZ@@ you spoiled the ending about the rooftop shootout with the...
  11. urseus

    Will you...

    But is it going to be released at exactly midnite on release day? Also, i have the hl2 countdown clock on my desktop. It goes off my system date. However The date 16th Nov in australia will arrive before it does in america or whatever the time is they are relasing it. Does anyone know the...
  12. urseus

    H A L F - L I F E 2 Countdown

    This is the one everyone should be using. All the others require to to do all this coding bullshit. You just download this, and the HL2 games skin, and off she goes. Looks awsome.
  13. urseus

    Calling all who know anything about computers!

    Can i leach onto this thread as well? I have a great system, but ever since service pack 2 has been loaded on, my CS textures have started going abit crazy. The walls will be all glittery and colourfull like a disco ball, and the hand first person model will similarly be effected.
  14. urseus

    EXTREME SPOILER: Somethingaweful Review

    Its in the games forum, only registered members can see it. Sup Goons. Pretty funny. Some moron abuses him for ruining the ending about the rooftop shootout with the gman and spoiling the whole game for it. If it was anyone here, hang your head in completle and moronic shame.
  15. urseus

    WORKING countdown

    I HIGHLY recommed this program.
  16. urseus

    Half-Life 2 "Preview" at somethingawful

    Yeah lets take the SA forums seriously. Im suprised people dont start partition threads about a bad review.
  17. urseus

    Half-Life 2 "Preview" at somethingawful

    haha spoiler warning. You guys are idiots. Its the SA forums.
  18. urseus

    Yes, it did say Unlocking HL2

    So when are they going to add more maps and skins to CS? Also was there any new dod info or screens?
  19. urseus

    Gordan's eyes....

    Cant be. Its the demo level from the first E3. Look at it really closly. You can see the head sticking out of the large HEV suit shoulders.
  20. urseus

    WORKING countdown

    So does this have to be set as my whole wallpaper, or can i position it to the left of my current wallpaper. Does anyone have a screenshot of their desktop with it running? The good thing about this unlike other countdowns like the doom one, is that when it hits 0 ill actually be able to...