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  1. KiNG

    Info that will alter your life...

    well its unknown whether sharks or some fish sleep. but i guess we do know bullfrogs dont.
  2. KiNG

    Doom3 multiplayer owned hl2

    i didnt enjoy d3 mp...felt like sof mixed with q3 in a way i didnt connect with.
  3. KiNG

    post your 3dmark05 scores here

    i subscribe to fileplanet
  4. KiNG

    3DMark05 Released.

    2373 9800 pro 128mb amd 2500+ 1gb 3200 all stock specs.
  5. KiNG

    post your 3dmark05 scores here

    2373 9800 pro 128mb amd 2500+ cosair 1gb 3200ddr
  6. KiNG

    Full Spectrum Warrior Demo

    awesome iv been wanting to try this for a while. also if your a fileplanet subscriber, hereyago
  7. KiNG

    any good multiplay game demo ??

    i enjoyed Ground control II multiplayer demo immensely. god i love the artillery bombardments.
  8. KiNG

    Will of Steel, gr8 new RTS

    definitly has potiental, ill keep on eye out for it, thanks for the heads up.
  9. KiNG

    Will of Steel, gr8 new RTS

    doesnt look to bad, does it have destructable terrain/buildings?
  10. KiNG

    Assualt Weapons Ban

    ya ok kick off the thread with some american bashing. on topic though, i think assualt rifle should only be for military, theres no reason for citizens to have them.
  11. KiNG

    Quake 4

    its stated somewhere that for mp they will go for more of a quake III approach and with no vehicles. nvm someone said it up a few posts.
  12. KiNG

    9800pro fps probs

    9800 pro shines when aa and af are enabled, especially with the new drivers. sometimes i recieve less fps when i dont enable aa or af.
  13. KiNG

    9800pro fps probs

    ok i have a 9800 pro and i had similar probs. make sure in your control center that u have everything turned to let the application decied for d3d, turn off truform if u have that enabled(not needed anymore, just slows down performance) . then u can enable what setting u want in-game via the...
  14. KiNG

    Tribes V SP demo released

    yes its built on the ut2k4 eneinge but its different some people cant grasp that. i enjoyed the beta, it was fun and i like the game play more than ut2k4. tribes has its own feel with a lot of the ut2k4 look, but it is its own game. havent played the single player but i might eventually.
  15. KiNG

    A new DNF engine (merged thread)
  16. KiNG

    A new DNF engine (merged thread)

    nope..its isnt.
  17. KiNG

    Best movie death or "Kill"?

    fight club was flibin awesome, one of the best movies and movie ending of all time. sound track was great too, i dont think i need to tell u my friends and i started a club after that. :P and cowboy bebop, "bang." not that theres a death but i really loved the mood fooly cooly left me in...
  18. KiNG

    What's the G-Man's rank?

    omg ronin posted. ya i hate to compare the xfiles guy to gman, it just doesnt have the same feel in my opinon anyway, gman seems more corporate.
  19. KiNG

    U.S. death toll in Iraq passes 1,000

    sad to hear, but i knew it was coming. that is a lot of men. i wonder how many enemy combatants have been slain.
  20. KiNG

    Medal of Honor: Pacific Assualt demo

    i didnt really have high hopes for this game and still dont, its alright but i dont see why everyone was so hyped for this one. i give the demo 7/10 oh and a huge dl for such a small amount of play.