post your 3dmark05 scores here


9800 pro 128mb
amd 2500+
cosair 1gb 3200ddr
KiNG said:

9800 pro 128mb
amd 2500+
cosair 1gb 3200ddr

As soon as I get it off of Fileplanet...

This will be quite interesting, I have the same setup except I wonder how much of a difference an AMD 3200 makes with the same set of hardware? We shal see.... :O

Edit: Is your 2500 a Barton core?
:rolling: I didn't buy the whole Pro version yet so... I didn't get to do all tests.

My score: 3861

x800 Pro
1 Gig Corsair PC3200
Score: 1508
2400 Athlon XP (266MHz FSB)
512MB PC2700 (or PC2100 - not entirely sure)
128MB 9600XT AIW
oooooooooo ya 3dmark05 :) Downloading right now. Im so happy I pay for a fileplanet account.

Radeon 9800 pro (stock speeds)
p4c 3.0ghz HT
512 DDR 2700 ram.

My prediction was quite close. I was expecting about 2000. I could OC and get more but I really don't care...

EDIT: Looks like this 3dmark is all graphics card based as well. So having a faster cpu doesn't really make much of a differece in the numbers.
bosox188 said:
I don't even wanna try it with my 5200...
do it! Note: file mirror coming up, guys.. one hour left on the mirror I'm getting it from.
Johan_Tayn said:
do it! Note: file mirror coming up, guys.. one hour left on the mirror I'm getting it from.

But everything except game 1 in 3DMark03 was a slideshow, like 1fps, I don't think I want to even see what happens in 3DMark05. :eek:
Im still waiting. ACtually I started downloading the tribes multiplayer demo and kinda got sidetracked but I will get to it soon enough but I was wondering for any of you that have run 3dmark03 if the troll demo where they are playing chess or whatever it is goes really slow for a couple seconds like down to 7 FPS and then all the way back up to where it was befor like 80 or 100 (forgot the exact numner but remeber the lowest was 7). It always happens at the exact same time every time I run the demo.

xp2500(b) @2.1
9800pro @412/350
1024mb ddr 2700
I got 4263 but im going to run it again and see if I can get more performance out of my system. 3dmark is an addiction :P

Looks like my soundcard drivers are kinda old.
Driver Date 7-10-2003
Think I will start buy updating those.

For videocard I am running
how big is the file? i heard it was like 1.5 gigs big

and if it is im not wasting my space or time on a benchmark that big.
Raising my videocard from 425/1.10 to 450/1.10 gives me 4419. Im still not happy with that though because I have seen lower speced systems get much higher scores in 05. Some systems are even getting 6k but they are overclocked a lot. I think I will try again tomorrow and maybee update drivers to 65.xx or 66.xx and see what that gives me. But enough for tonight because I want to try out the tribes demo.

When I raised the card to 450 it was only giving me 0.5 to 1 FPS more so im sure its not worth the added heat but I think I got a good card because it idles in windows at 54'c. Still dont know how hot it gets under load. I should add that to my list of things to do also.
blackeye said:
Raising my videocard from 425/1.10 to 450/1.10 gives me 4419. Im still not happy with that though because I have seen lower speced systems get much higher scores in 05. Some systems are even getting 6k but they are overclocked a lot. I think I will try again tomorrow and maybee update drivers to 65.xx or 66.xx and see what that gives me. But enough for tonight because I want to try out the tribes demo.

When I raised the card to 450 it was only giving me 0.5 to 1 FPS more so im sure its not worth the added heat but I think I got a good card because it idles in windows at 54'c. Still dont know how hot it gets under load. I should add that to my list of things to do also.

try newer drivers i have a setup like urs but updating my drivers to the 66.30 gave me 400 points. I heard the 67.xx give the best performance though
Ya i was looking at the link that asus had with the charts on it and I was like WTF i dont even come close to 4956. Then I saw they are using 66.51 drivers. So im going to try those tomorrow. I usually dont use beta drivers though but I will give em a shot this time.
2451 with a:

xp 2500+
built by ati 9800 pro 128
1 gig ddr333
I was curious so I turned all the quality options in the control panel to performance and check it out. Link
I also OCed my 6800GT to Core 415MHz / Memory 565MHz (1.13GHz).

Now when I go back to image quality settings it sits at 4221.
Although there were a number of glitches that really looked pretty poor. I'm using the 61.77 drivers.

goddamn it look what i friggen miss by.............3 stupid points. gonna run it again with like a .1ghz overclock :p
guinny said:

goddamn it look what i friggen miss by.............3 stupid points. gonna run it again with like a .1ghz overclock :p
Hey, do you have ATI's new drivers? Link