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  1. KiNG

    The complete Counter-Strike Source review/article!

    i played cs:s for quiet some time. just a few things. i was able to stand on soemones head and jump off. i was able to jump then jump again like 1.6 . and teh 1-2 secs at a stand still for falling/dmg was a lil off as i member. more like .5-1 secs. gj btw.
  2. KiNG

    some screens

    i might have been playin with you i was "kp" .
  3. KiNG

    My CS:S Impressions

    i played for four hours at a local lan. bbl to tell stories and my 2 cents on features/gameplay/stuff. :P
  4. KiNG

    possibilities for CS and TF2 maps

    i was thinking for something like tf2 u would have huge maps squads taking different objectives working within their 8-12(classes within squads) man team. and having npc's do the jobs that a player wouldnt want to(artillary for example) and have most if not all npc rely on player for protection...
  5. KiNG

    Best use of Ragdoll Physics

    i voted MP2. it was very fun and ragdoll seemed believable. btw is psi ops on pc or will it ever be?
  6. KiNG

    *~*Half-Life 2 preload begins August 17*~*

    good news nonetheless
  7. KiNG

    TF2 sleuthing

    i think will see 64 player servers on average and 128 on more powerful machines. even though they stated that many years ago(4 or 5 and im sure they didnt know the limitations of their new engine that was even completed) they have recently told us what is realistic and to expect for player count...
  8. KiNG

    What is the roadmap for Nvidia and ATi?

    im curious, what are ati and nvidia cooking up for thier next generation of cards and when they will come out? provide links if you wouldnt mind. im looking myself and currently reading im just wondering if someone could cut it short and sweet.
  9. KiNG

    Quake II... Damn, that game rocked.

    i was disappointed with quake 3.
  10. KiNG

    Unreal Engine 3 ENVIROMENT SHOTS!

    i had the same LOTR feeling too, beautiful setting with amazing and awesome creatures.
  11. KiNG

    Quake II... Damn, that game rocked.

    i loved quake II, i played CTF for a while then moved to AQ2, the best mod for quake II and in its own league. i played that for 2 years, pub and competive. i was KiNGPiN when i first started then join [MIT] so i made my name KP![MIT] . it was awesome. best memories of a game and gamers...
  12. KiNG

    Found these new screenshots of Epic's 'new game'.

    someone please tell me you saved them and can post them. if they are the ones in the mag though then nvm.
  13. KiNG

    Check out what the US army will give its soldiers 10 years from now!!

    anyone else think that guy on the right looks a lot like marines from avp2? anyway looks pretty and all i just hope it comes out on time and does everything they want it too. will save lives.
  14. KiNG

    doom3 players ONLY reply!!!! doom 3 THOUGHTS

    i am enjoying it and have almost the same setup as dassbab (3000+) i still run it on high 1024x768 fairly smooth. anyway iv played for about 10 or so hours and im still going strong.
  15. KiNG

    Doom 3 - Graphics (Resolution/Detail)

    could have but i guess he thought it warrented its own, not like it really matters.
  16. KiNG

    Doom 3 - Graphics (Resolution/Detail)

    cpu and ram warbie?
  17. KiNG

    Doom 3 - Graphics (Resolution/Detail)

    ya doom3 isnt like the alpha. its optimized, hardocp recommended 1024x768 high quality wiht a 9800pro if u have around 3 ghz(or equivalent)
  18. KiNG

    Americans ambushed in Iraq. (no gore)

    ok just dont go and say troops shoot women and children when your trying to make your case that bad stuff happens during and after war.
  19. KiNG

    Americans ambushed in Iraq. (no gore)

    this article is an isolated incident, im tired u acting like this is common place for troops. talk to me like im a child again and i wont respond back, tryin to indirectly insult me is very tasteless and rude. i see no article about american or coalition troops shooting a women or children. your...