My CS:S Impressions


Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry for the lack of screens, they wouldn't give me access to the folders ;/

Well, I just got back from my local cyber cafe (Fatpipe) with a few of my friends and my little cousin, we played for an hour straight on de_dust. The experience was great. Im very glad I decided to go ahead and run my a** over to Fatpipe and play.

The feel of the game is almost exactly how it was in the original CS, and I think this is great because most of the newer games that come out today feel a bit sluggish to me. The weapons all feel the same, except they look 100 times better than they used to. The maps are very detailed and fun to play around with. For the first 10 minutes I just walked around kicking barrells and shooting cans. The smaller objects (milk cartons, soda bottles, cans) fly around when shot. The barrells will sway and eventaully tip with a constant stream of fire.

What I was most impressed with was definitely the physics. When you tear someone up from close range the body gets launched backwards and blood sprays. If someone is running at you and not shooting, and you surprise them with 10 rounds from your M4 clip, they sort of trip over their own feet and collapse. If you shoot someone who is standing against a wall, their body will slide down the wall, eventually into a laying position. Anyone shot on stairs will fall and land like any normal living person would. One player I saw was shotgunned near a ledge by the underpass in de_dust, and his body tripped over the ledge and he tumbled over into the 15 foot drop. The death animations are very life-like.

All of the weapon models are re-done very nicely and look realistic. Same goes for the player models. But who didn't know that CS:S looked prettier? The flashbang/grenade effects are AWESOME. Grenades now send debris all over. I saw one grenade blow some soda and coffee cans all over the place.

As for bugs, there were a few. Some minor things, not many that affected gameplay except for one that I found: when crouched or walking, you cannot move forward and right (diaganolly right). Besides this, there were only a few minor issues.

There isn't that much to talk about because it is basically the same game. Although it is the same Counter-Strike we've all played, I can definitely see myself playing CS:S for a long time. I can't wait to see more maps on the engine because dust looked amazing.

I know my "review" was a bit brief but it's difficult to think back on all the stuff I saw. If you have any questions at all feel free to ask them here and I'll answer as many as possible. Thanks guys :D Hope this helps.

edit: the machine I played on ran an AMD64 2700+, not sure about vid card. 512mb ram.
What about textures? Did you notice the use of Pixel Shader and/or bumpmapping?
Ghost Freeman said:
What about textures? Did you notice the use of Pixel Shader and/or bumpmapping?

I'm not exactly sure what those are. Explain and I'll try to answer ):
did they fix the lack of weight on the weapons? i mean when you strafe out and shoot is your aim deadly accurate like you are holding a gun as light as a feather or does your aim sway like your gun has some inertia to it? also when you jump. land and shoot is the same as above true or false?
Sounds sweet man- I'm so glad you said the pace was the same, cos I know what you mean by games feeling sluggish these days. Just a couple of questions:

DId you see any smoke nades going off? If so any lag?

Do you know what spec comp you were on?


EDIT- just seen your edit.....forget question 2 then!
I'm not sure, I couldn't tell. All I can tell you is that it looked awesome. I would say no though, from what I saw..
smsKONG said:
Sounds sweet man- I'm so glad you said the pace was the same, cos I know what you mean by games feeling sluggish these days. Just a couple of questions:

DId you see any smoke nades going off? If so any lag?

Do you know what spec comp you were on?


I did see smoke nades going off, and I ran through one just to see if it lagged. It didn't. I was on an AMD64 2700+, 512mb ram, Radeon 9800PRO. The smoke nades have a new sound that sounds really cool, the smoke effect is cool now too. When in hallways it's thicker, but out in the open it has a different effect b/c the smoke can move farther away I guess.
The death animations are very life-like.

Hehe there are no death animations :P It's all rag doll effects.

Did you see like birds flying around in the sky?

How far did bodies fly when hit by an AWP? ;)

How are the ambient sounds?
acme420 said:
did they fix the lack of weight on the weapons? i mean when you strafe out and shoot is your aim deadly accurate like you are holding a gun as light as a feather or does your aim sway like your gun has some inertia to it? also when you jump. land and shoot is the same as above true or false?

They didn't change anything like this from 1.6.
Iced_Eagle said:
Hehe there are no death animations :P It's all rag doll effects.

That's what I meant ;)

no birds, bodies fly (they don't just lay down) :D, sounds are good. If by ambient you mean background, there is more now. I heard helicopters and stuff like that.
riTuaL said:
I did see smoke nades going off, and I ran through one just to see if it lagged. It didn't. I was on an AMD64 2700+, 512mb ram, Radeon 9800PRO. The smoke nades have a new sound that sounds really cool, the smoke effect is cool now too. When in hallways it's thicker, but out in the open it has a different effect b/c the smoke can move farther away I guess.

nice one, I only hope my XP2000 and 5900XT ain't too naff to handle it ;(
i played for four hours at a local lan. bbl to tell stories and my 2 cents on features/gameplay/stuff. :P
riTuaL said:
As for bugs, there were a few. Some minor things, not many that affected gameplay except for one that I found: when crouched or walking, you cannot move forward and right (diaganolly right). Besides this, there were only a few minor issues.

Are you kidding me? That's not something I would call "minor." You'd think Valve would have caught something as major as this.
I'm starting to think it had something to do with the software the cafe was running..
do models of player or guns clip into walls?

like a dead guys head is half way inside a wall
I'm sure there is still clipping..... Probably less, but still clipping none the less...
Thanks for the write up bud! Does it look better in person than that absolutely horrible screens we've seen today?
Do you know if the physics showed up the same for everyone? Like everyone saw the body fall over the edge of the bridge?
I didn't notice any clipping at all. Especially with dead bodies, they lay against/on any surfaces that they touch. And it does look better than most of the screens. The screens on the main page of this site are damn good, but some of the others I've seen are horrendous.
marty905 said:
do models of player or guns clip into walls?

like a dead guys head is half way inside a wall

Yeah you can't avoid that, It's in every game. unless objects are thick enough, you are always going to see something pretruding. A quick fix would be to make the models like a solid but then you wouldn't be able to rub up against walls as closely and such, sorta hard to explain.

I also want to thank everyone on this site for no flaming. Steam forums are filled with it. This is a nice professional site. I will be coming back often. :)
I saw no clipping with dead bodies.. I played the beta.
do u think a radeon 9200 can run it with a p4 2.4ghz and 512 ram?
There are probably only odd cases of clipping then.... Trust me there is still clipping :P Whether it be animations or whatever. Probably the most likely will be sticking your rifle through a small door and the others will be able to see it on the other side. Or probably if someone goes right up to a wall you can see their gun sticking through, although they cannot.

The only game that doesn't have clipping is Pong! :D
adnoh said:
Yeah you can't avoid that, It's in every game. unless objects are thick enough, you are always going to see something pretruding. A quick fix would be to make the models like a solid but then you wouldn't be able to rub up against walls as closely and such, sorta hard to explain.

I also want to thank everyone on this site for no flaming. Steam forums are filled with it. This is a nice professional site. I will be coming back often. :)

WELCOME TO THE FORUMS Adnoh (Do you own a Honda btw?) ;)
marty905 said:
wats ur computers company?> mine is MDG

It's a clone.....

A friend orderd it for to :)

It's about three years old now, time to buy a new one
lol ya i got a 120 gig HD thats only 5600rpm so slow
and the GFX is cheap too the 9700 pro was out wen i got this computer

but everything else is good
VeZ said:
Do you know if the physics showed up the same for everyone? Like everyone saw the body fall over the edge of the bridge?

please answer
They have to, since they interact with everything. Say a body fell on a barrel. They would have to react the same way for everyone since they couldnt have on one persons pc a knocked over barrel and body next to it, then on another pc a person above on a ledge with a barrel up.
well who knows it could be like halo pc, one comp thinks the body flew one diection and the other thought it flew another direction
So how were the weapon sounds? They say they're like the old ones but higher quality. And personally I think the sounds in 1.6 are terrible. What did you think?
Oh and I just remembered, in CZ the radar has text under it telling you where you are in the map. And voice commands say the player's name @ TSpawn for example. This was in the Korean videos but I didn't see it in the Beta screenies. Is this feature in CS:S? Its a really nice feature in CZ.