i would like to know where u get your info from about soldiers throwing people off bridges and shooting women and children. to say the least they sound like extreme twist on the truth.
oh and is there more of that vid u didnt post?
ok look at the situation right now. we are not directly at war but have temporary war zones. people dont want us there but we are forced due to our commitment. people are still dying and my previous post was refering to when we were at war.
and u can take liberation in many ways including the...
i seriously dislike it when people whine about snipers in cs. if u are good u can take them out relativly easy and use it very nicely with a lot of prac. the people that kind of get on my nerves are the ones that say they play on occasion(looks like it too) and get killed every round by a good...
i guess some people dont realize that war is not meant to be civililized and things like this have happened in most wars(killing wounded, questionable ethics, etc.). things like killing wounded have happened in every war, u cant civilize war. war is anything we make it.
BTW is there more of...
what i want to know is if an npc would still be alive. i doubt it but it would still be cool. imagine shooting a combine with an arrow through his shoulder adn him being stuck on a wall, still trying to maneuver or shoot at u.
i recently was buying memory for a friend and i i noticed 1gb sticks of memory. funny thing was i didnt see any customer reviews or anything. so naturally im curious if there is anything bad or slow or whatever about these things or is it just better to have 2 512 sticks for the dual config...
back in my quake 2 days i used KiNGPiN, i was 13 and no one else had it(at the time), i joined a clan where people had to shorten thier names, so i was KP[MIT]. it was fun for a while then i went to DoD and used KiNG and then i discovered the bliss of cs and turned it to kP like my old Action...
gronoken i want to help u find more about hl2. do this for me if u havent already, go in Articles then to valve speaks section and read all about what has been said from valve, besides that i would suggest downloading both e3 vids and posible searching game sites for hl2 info/interviews.
since hl2 map size is about 16x larger than hl1(compareable to bf or tribes series), and with more than 32 players it seems like we will likely see mods make large maps and put the entire map to use. i get so excited about the battles that will rage,, RAWR!!!
and mean with large maps u can...