Doom3 IS Gold

Coulda told you that from all the hints, and the PC Gamer Reveiw
Wonderfull! :D

Oh oh... soo... its being released on the 5th..

Is that 22 days of printing copies before its released?

sooo... by that thinking.. I reckon... HL2 should be ready.... by....

early september?

lol, just a guess like. :)
Not too long to wait now! I just have to decide if I am actually going to buy it or not...
*slicktick contemplates
Ace like my face! I get paid a few days before it's out, i can afford it :D

At last, something worthwhile to pass the time
HJklfjwaklfjwoifjioamjffasfkjawipofjwaoifja....... Nothing can describe how I feel right now.
my Dreams Have Come True, Ph34r My Friends, For Doom III Is Gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great something to test my 5.1 sound. im glad they made it around thier approx. release date.
Oh, fan-****ing-tastic!

Thanks id. I hope the gameplay is good, because the story and any suprises will be spoiled by arrogant pricks in the US! :D!
thehunter1320 said:
i don't like the source... anybody else have this posted?
webdog is where id posts its official journal, everybody knows that. so this is confirmed weather its on another site or not. strait from id, strait from Todd's mouth :D
x84D80Yx said:
webdog is where id posts its official journal, everybody knows that. so this is confirmed weather its on another site or not. strait from id, strait from Todd's mouth :D

I didn't know that before this morning. But I do now!

Way to go ID! :cheers:
cool. has the official specs for the game been released yet?

What I wanna know is can I run it okay with:

9600xt / 256mb
200gb HDD (7200)(8mb)
512PC2700 mem
MSI 333mhz mob.

Thanks for giving us useless specs! ..oh wait, was that the point? :P
craigweb said:
cool. has the official specs for the game been released yet?

What I wanna know is can I run it okay with:

9600xt / 256mb
200gb HDD (7200)(8mb)
512PC2700 mem
MSI 333mhz mob.


I'm sorry you can't run it. The minimum specs are a 3.0 GHz P4, 9800 Pro and a 1 GB of RAM

That was sarcasm :) It will run fine
This is a great day for all. The 4 year wait is finally at an end, and it's guaranteed now.

*dances a furious jig*
Get ready for hell everyone

edit: Hey Tork, where did you get the password?
I am posting on behalf of thehunter1320. He was just transported to the nearest hospital after a massive heart-attack. The cause is believed to be Doom 3 going gold.