On the phone with customer service. Supposivly the Quake 4 issue isn't even on News Stands yet. Plus, this guy is telling me there is no way anyone has the December issue yet. He said it's possible for people to get it middle-late this month but no way this week or next unless they have some...
The December HL2 issue is hitting news stands tomorrow?! I just received my damn Quake 4 issue like 3 days ago! WTF is going on here? I'll be sure to call tomorrow and BITCH.
Dude i know we must be EXTREME LOSERS because i just received my Quake 4 issue 3 days ago and people are getting the HL2 review issue this week!? :angry:
I never played it. My friend said it was a great game and mentioned something about taking drugs and smoking cigs or something? lol. anyways yes HL2 is going to rule. I'm going to beat it on normal and hard. I just beat HL for like my 3rd or 4th time a few months ago, i really don't wanna play...
I heard somewhere the game was beaten in like 19 hours? Am i correct? If so that is awesome, because it took me 13 hours to beat Doom3 and that was a long ass game. So an extra 6 hours, actually prolly even more than that because of the replayability of the game will make it even better. Good...
That's a good point, everything you said. However, valve is obviously screwing/man handling VU by "if you purchase hl2 this upcoming week, you get the full version of CS:S instantly, and then play HL2 once its released." They are doing this because VU is holding HL2 back and they could easily...
Wow damn i dont wanna sound mean but a few of you in here are kind of losers, i mean like real sensational losers. Turned on by a video game character, really upset she looks bad in like one of the pictures. LOL. To damn sad..... yikes.
Isn't every week filled of great news and sometimes bad of course. Yep, i think so. Nothing is ever going on in here on the weekends, so go out and have some fun.
Quote from "Affen"
"PC Gameplay September issue says that Vampire isn't bounded anymore by the agreement with Valve to release the game after HL² has been released. If another HL² release delay occurs, Activision now can release Vampire when they want."
Vivendi gets what they deserve. Thank God Valve created Steam. Depending on what Gabe says about the release dates/packages next week, i most likely will cancel my CE and get the 2nd package..bronze i think? I don't really care about post cards, stickers, etc....not my bag baby!
Don't think so. Someone posted a pic of some guy holding the review up earlier. Wonder where he found that. I bet there are a few people in this forum who have read it. I think the majority of us will have read it by Sunday. I won't read it, I'm just going to the the most minor/specific details...
So what are you saying? That there is possibly a MP but they made the reviews say there isn't? If that's what your saying that's just wrong, valve would of easily just never showed them it and pc gamer uk could of easily been like "well uh there is no DM because we didn't get to play/was offered...
You have a point, but i believe the quote was "I play it everyday" not "I've played it everyday"
Valve can easily be hiding a HL2 MP still BUT since the PC GAMER guy said there isn't one then there probably isn't. :( However, that quote from Gabe can mean so many things.
1. He meant CS...