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  1. Dile

    What does Google say about you?

    Didnt think my name actually means something...
  2. Dile

    Hl2 Vs Fc

    That wasnt addressed to you, but I am really really sorry :cheers:
  3. Dile

    HL2 grand master status

    I think it means that they have a build which contains HL2 from the beginning to the end, so they can play it all through now.
  4. Dile

    Hl2 Vs Fc

    Those are just engine techdemo shots man... EDIT: Unreal 3 is too far away to be considered as a rival of HL2, D3, etc...
  5. Dile

    Hl2 Vs Fc

    Lets see: Far Cry: OUT HL2: NOT OUT Conclusion: This thread makes no sense! UNDERSTOOD??
  6. Dile

    What can't you wait to do in Half-life 2?

    The highly replayable gameplay. Contextual AI and other next gen stuff like that. And of course, the fact that its the sequel to the best game of all times.
  7. Dile

    the Internet social effect on society. input needed!

    Honesty and trust. Those are the 2 things that internet communities are based on. People that dont have those are cast out. So its definately positive
  8. Dile

    How would one start modding?

    You can read this too: EDIT: There are many more tutorials on this site, don't forget to check them out. (sorry for the double post)
  9. Dile

    How would one start modding?

    Hammer is really easy to use if you understand the basics of mapping. Anyway, heres a tutorial for beginners:
  10. Dile

    HL2 Renders [No Spoilers]

    Ummm... what?
  11. Dile

    How would one start modding?

    A very very useful thing I missed! Download the HL SDK: You can play around with hammer if you'd like, but the main thing is source files. Read the source files, I recommend starting with the...
  12. Dile

    I am building a headcrab!!!

    The Gonarch doesnt make headcrabs... It makes lil' Gonarches (small, grey, upside-down headcrabs)
  13. Dile

    How would one start modding?

    1. Make a design doc, and write up all your useful ideas. 2. Get some basic knowledge and understanding of coding and C++. 3. Wait. 4. Wait. 5. Wait. 6. Wait. 7. Wait. 8. Wait. 9. Wait. 10. Wait. 11. Download the SDK. 12. Read all the documentation in the sdk. 13. You'll probably be...
  14. Dile

    The Neverhood

    The title says it all :- ) Ahhh, good ole' times :farmer:
  15. Dile

    Gordon Freeman is alive

    Noah Wyle! Really!
  16. Dile

    Codename: Panzers

    And the best thing is: its hungarian :cheers: Stormregion's previous work:
  17. Dile

    Codename: Panzers

    The ultimate WW2 RTS. Shots: and (scroll down, click on the Panzers logo, and then click on 'screenshot gallery') Official site:
  18. Dile Community Mod

    A few "errors" multiple teams would produce: -long long rounds -confusion of the players ->baaad, deathmatch-like gameplay -waste of resources ->simply because when designing multiplayer FPS gameplay you must not think about "teams", but individual players, and when there are a lot of teams...
  19. Dile Community Mod

    I personally love Paintballer's idea. Imagine that your scout or someone comes saying that he has spotted 7 hostiles sneaking in from the west, and you and 2 of your mates are given the order to use your vehicles and ambush them. Then you go down into the garage, get in your cars and drive...
  20. Dile Community Mod

    An addition: The player gets a bonus if manages to stay alive in the round, and the more people in the team dies, the more points the team loses.