I really can't get my self to care anymore. Face it, it will never change no mather what you try, everyone is biased. Its part of being human, the need of giving your oppinion
afterwards? lol, the game was openly in the making 5 years ago lol.. the chief was for example drawn as a concept in 1999 (:o - wtf is it with the : o being the blush smilie - that makes 6 ... there you go ) and was soon after published on halo.bungie.org
Doubt it would work at all. In no time you'l get mass registars posting other people's work, thus taking alot of your time trying to keep the jacks out and the artist's in. plus even without the jacks, you'l still get loads of signups, and you'l have to split the income between the well rated...
dont find it to be impressive, the rain where just particle effects, nothing of it was simpulated, it was all just randomized, they used a parabole on it that makes it speed up as the longer it falls. the water on the ground where just shader textures that makes a random noise.
Its all doable...
the thing that drew me to halo was the story, and it was the first time I saw/heard of a ring world, and they pulled it off great. its filled with alien stuff that is seeded with myth, and mistery, who are the forerunners?, who build the ringworld, and what is it exactly.
just hearing the...