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  1. Draklyne

    there is now virtually no IQ difference between the 5900 and the 9800

    Extremetech came to some conclusions as well.
  2. Draklyne

    Dumass things you've done

    I've been thinking hard... I found some milk. It smelled weird. It looked funny. I drank it and resumed playing Counter-Strike. Ten minutes later, my stomach feels weird, goes numb. The feeling spreads to my arm. I sit back, eying my afflicted body parts. I tell all my friends that I...
  3. Draklyne

    What will you make?

    I'll make a giant wooden tower with explosives all around the base. Lots of NPCs at the top. Light Fuse, Run Away
  4. Draklyne

    a somwhat cool idea..tell me what u think..

    Aethaecyn's idea sounds fun, except for a couple changes - I'd have all of the NPCs' cameras feed into one large control room that shows all the screens at once. In the complex of tunnels and whatnot, there's a huge beast (maybe that ant lion) that's hunting them and has access to vents and...
  5. Draklyne

    Half Life 2 or a flying hampster

    Here's a flying hamster. His name is Boo. He is an ex-Bioware employee.
  6. Draklyne

    AMD or INTEL

    I voted Intel for the present, seeing as they have insanely overclocking friendly CPUs right now, while AMD is having headroom problems. They also start out faster, and a few mobos are even coming OC'ed (I like to think of this as good). However, all this may change with AMD's next magnum...
  7. Draklyne

    Yet another Mod announced: Dark Waters

    Question: Are you planning to have a conglomeration of alien species or a single race? I was just thinking of some alien species variations, and I thought you could have top-side waterskimming aliens, shallow water aliens, mid and deep water aliens. If it was a bunch of different alien...
  8. Draklyne

    The Prophecy! It has come to pass!

    Unfortunately, I have noticed the same sort of change. There are so many threads, yet I have no comments for any of them because they are so full of thoughtless remarks and dead-end conversations. It doesn't help that I was isolated from the forums in Michigan for a week while they expanded...
  9. Draklyne

    Sorry had to brag - Look what I just bought.

    I would just like to say that the Doom 3 test was completely organized and hosted by Nvidia. Nvidia had the Doom 3 build used as a benchmark previous to the test, and could have made any amount of changes or optimizations. Meanwhile, ATI was also screwed over in that test because their...
  10. Draklyne


    In certain cases (literally), managing not to bleed all over the components is pretty difficult. Stupid sharp edges... But actually, I haven't ever built a computer myself. Just installed all the different components.
  11. Draklyne

    Unreal Tournament 2004? And Epic?

    It looks like the beginning of a yearly series, but I'm willing to wait and see what they do. From one of the screens I saw, it looks like they're taking some cues from other games (Halo's Warthog vehicle) which is kind of sleazy. As for adding value... I haven't really seen anything...
  12. Draklyne

    Advice on Digi-cam

    I've decided, by the review site royal gave me, to go with a Fujifilm FinePix A303. At around half the price it's listed on the review site too
  13. Draklyne

    HL2 : The Fighting MOD

    I was just thinking that "Way of Conflict" would be a cool title... By the way, what language is that? "To win without fighting is best. To disrupt alliances is next best. Next best is to foil your enemy. Next is triumph with armies. To besiege a fortification is worst." I think...
  14. Draklyne

    Mod decisions.

    I'd prefer the second. Too many sci-fi mods, in my opinion.
  15. Draklyne

    The Last Samurai *Movie*

    Tom Cruise as a samurai is a very bad role. Tom Cruise is a jerk, he's dishonest, and all in all the antithesis of samurai. Except for the ego part, which tended to get samurai killed in the Meiji Era. If you want to see a real samurai, go to and turn the...
  16. Draklyne

    This system worth it?

    If you buy the part, it should have a manufacturer's warranty with it. id est, if your Vantec powersupply breaks, contact Vantec. For good prices and good shipping (At least in the US of A) check
  17. Draklyne

    My new comp = HL2 ready

    I wouldn't buy a top end P4C processor, just a 2.4C and OC it like mad.
  18. Draklyne

    Operation Everlasting Shadow

    Yes, sparrow, you are old. Erm, an elder. Oh, and about the mod, since you're cleaning up the BMRF incident, are we going to see some original, top-secret weaponry as well? Unless there's a gun that you showed that you guys thought up, in which case I'm sorry. I don't have a clue about guns.
  19. Draklyne

    Skills Database

    That site just lists mods, with a profile. What Lionel's talking about (I think) is a resumé database for people who want to work on mods. Hrm, the moddb seems to have a Help Wanted section, but it's not very well designed, and you can't look for people, you just send out a call for help.
  20. Draklyne

    Advice on Digi-cam

    thanks guys, I've made my decision