heh, this reminds me of things I have read about in ancient european history. The wild boar was often worshipped in many ancient cults due to it's strength, power, and ability to kill even a seasoned hunter with a decent spear or bow.
The PS2 had the highest sales but Nintendo still beat them in profits. The profits Nintendo makes are almost equal with the profits of the entire Sony corporation, not just the games division.
PS2 won in sales, but Nintendo as a corporation won in what really matters for a business, making...
I just realized that Nintendo has also announed:
The DS just keeps getting better and better, I love the little guy.
EDIT: Nintendo and Sony news just keeps comming out today. Now someone has discovered by contacting NOA that the Revolution will...
With the cost of the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined with online fees for each I suspect the old saying that "True gamers get all the new systems" can no longer be used. Just too much money involved.
I also laugh at this statement:
Sony, Jack of all trades, master of none.
Nintendo DS to get web browser and TV tuner
I love Opera, I often switch between it and Firefox every few months. Anyway the method they will have for displaying web sites on the screens will be this...
We are just waiting for the best time to attack. We already have 90% of the population amassed on the border with the US for our initial invasion.
This is the new world order my fellow...
Now that the article is actually accessible I have to say I wasn't surprised by seeing that Sony is most certainly going to have to back out of the "1080p is the true HD" claim. It sounds like almost everything is only being made for 720p and then can be scaled up. That is far from native...
These are reports from developers. The actual interview cannot be accessed anymore thanks to the number of hits it is recieving but here is some of the stuff that was said:
In the lore it is stated that the Draenei used to look different, but when the Orcs were experimenting with warlock magics they were tearing the world apart. The Draenei as a result became deformed and mutated.
Perhaps we will play a group of Draenei that is not suffering from these...
If a gay finds me attractive all I can say is "Well thank you, it means a lot to here someone say that. However I am not gay, sorry."
I mean really, it isn't like they are going to attempt to rape you or anything. Just take it as what it is, a compliment.
The effects people will be paying attention to won't be on the environment but rather the effects on the Swedish economy. This will be viewed as an example to follow, something that shows it can in fact be done.
It won't surprise me if in the long term Sweden is placed in a much better...
heh, you obviously have yet to experience the Barrens chat. Or at least not for long. Most smart players learn to leave general chat when they enter the Barrens lest they lose a few IQ points.
I mean after one hour in the Barrens the following topics were covered in the worst ways possible...