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  1. tesher06

    Amazing Machinima! "Top FPS'

    Freakin hillarious!
  2. tesher06


    Meniscus is located in your knee and requires surgery to repair which could keep you for around a 3-4 weeks + depending on the severity. I know this because a kid who plays football injured his.
  3. tesher06

    If you love Gordon please do your part!

    I think Mario should end up winning.
  4. tesher06

    What the Hell?

    Look at the bright side, you can name your self McLovin and say your a blood doner from Hawai :).
  5. tesher06

    Not BF3 but might as well call it BF3.

    The first trailer you posted is stupid because the bombs those A-10s drops would have a much large impact radius.
  6. tesher06

    Parents going to Thailand and Bali

    They are going to the jungle I think.
  7. tesher06


    I have had them before and they went away, just this one is more annoying =o.
  8. tesher06


    .... Gah are they even allowed to show that?
  9. tesher06


    Hey does anyone have any experience with hemroids? I think I have them and have no clue if it can go away by themselves over time.
  10. tesher06

    Unfomfortable Situation O_O

    I was about to say something very inappropriate but decided against it.
  11. tesher06

    Parents going to Thailand and Bali

    What about Bali and Singapore? Also whats the longest flight you ever took? They are taking a 17 hour flight just to Japan.
  12. tesher06

    Parents going to Thailand and Bali

    Can anyone tell me how safe/dangerous those places are because they are going on vacation there for 2 weeks and me, I am not a person that likes when family goes out of country. Also does anyone have anyone have experience of this?
  13. tesher06

    Counter Strike 2 'Never Really Got off the Ground'

    Looks pretty interesting, so I might buy it.
  14. tesher06

    No girlfriend?

    I hate when girls act like that on facebook, they type these dramatic posts which are really stupid.
  15. tesher06

    Do these exist, what are they called, and where can I get one.

    I actually got into watching it lol, sadly it ended =(.
  16. tesher06

    Best rapper in history

    Tupac Shakur Tupac4Life
  17. tesher06

    No girlfriend?

    So I talked to her friend and she told me this. "I know she's def not going to homecoming because of a prior commitment..sorry. I wish I could help but here's the thing.. she truthfully is so busy that even I dont see her outside of school and wish I could too. She does cheer, volunteer work...
  18. tesher06

    high school stereotypes

    Thought about it and it was kinda mean, sorry about that.
  19. tesher06

    high school stereotypes

    I assume you also want a dick?
  20. tesher06

    No girlfriend?

    True to the last statement above. Teens are stupid when it comes to personality.