Not BF3 but might as well call it BF3.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Yes it holds the Battlefield name. It also holds the Bad Company name which made my arse hurt that it was a console only release. The reviews were luke warm for that so we all kept saying for DICE to make a BF3.

Well I was watching some vids on gametrailers and saw the Bad Company 2 trailer:

Then I was shocked it was coming out for the PC!!! :D I don't know what more you could want but it is BF3!
  1. Same familiar classes? Check.
  2. Epic vehicle action? Check
  3. BF2 gameplay in the new Frostbite engine? Check.

Here are some more gameplay video's:

Really leave alone BF2 and let it rest in memory. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is the next game or BF3.
I don't know what more you could want but it is BF3!
  1. Same familiar classes? Check.
  2. Epic vehicle action? Check
  3. BF2 gameplay in the new Frostbite engine? Check.

Yeah, couldn't agree more. This game basically will be BF3. When is it coming out again, early next year?

EDIT March 2nd 2010. There is a new video out for the multiplayer btw.
I'm definitely getting this. The graphics look pretty insane. For me it has the BF2 base, with some COD4 and FC2 elements mixed in.
The first trailer you posted is stupid because the bombs those A-10s drops would have a much large impact radius.
Depressingly large number of reused models, many dating back to BF2...

Any word on the PC player limit? Because 24 from the last game is pathetically small.

Minigun taking out an MBT? Really?

However, kickass destruction engine.
So is there regenerating health (ugh)? I didn't see a health meter, but I saw medpacks being deployed so...?

Depressingly large number of reused models, many dating back to BF2...

Any word on the PC player limit? Because 24 from the last game is pathetically small.

Minigun taking out an MBT? Really?

However, kickass destruction engine.

1) What? Which models did they reuse?

2) True.

3) I was thinking the same thing

4) True.
Really didn't enjoy BC1, just because of the whole console thing. It seems this game is about as slow as BC1 also. Not a horrible thing, that's for sure.

I may actually think about getting this, as long as the multiplayer isn't ****ed up because of consoles.
So is there regenerating health (ugh)? I didn't see a health meter, but I saw medpacks being deployed so...?

1) What? Which models did they reuse?

2) True.

3) I was thinking the same thing

4) True.

Vodnik (note how its still weirdly out of proportion), T-90 (though it has got a new remote operated MG on the cupola) & Quadbike are the old BF2 ones for sure, most of the weapons so far appear to be recylced from BC1. Beyond that I'm not entirely sure, looks like the Mi28 mgiht be with a couple of tweaks
The first Bad Company was the best multipayer experience i've ever had. Me and my best bro were like the dynamic duo on that shit, we played for months. Absolutely gonna buy this on day one. This game looks bonerific.
So is there regenerating health (ugh)? I didn't see a health meter, but I saw medpacks being deployed so...?
There was health in BC1 and still is, but they kept the HUD simplified in the trailers here I'm guessing. Regenerating bullshit shouldn't be a problem here. Soldiers had an unlockable adrenaline thing they could hit themselves up with to boost their health up though. Also butt.
Although I thought the graphics were amazing for xbox games, I didn't like the multiplayer, so I don't think that I'll get this.
Graphics do look great, as does the gameplay... but I need to see more before I have an opinion tbh.
I'd like to see how this will work on the PC, and what the community will do with it.
Looks awesome. What's weird(for me) is that it reminds me of MW's MP which never really interested me, yet with this game I can't bloody wait(Must be the vehicles and destruction and the classic BF charm :p).

The 24 player limit on 360 still sounds kinda ghey and the 360 version is the one I will get as my PC is a POS.
I'll get this for sure because bc1 multiplayer was pretty good. But i wont be buying it as BF3 as some of you seem to be looking at it.

It will play nothing like battle field, it will be strafe around people spraying and hope they die first game play as seen in the first bc and other console shooters like halo.

Would be great to get a bf3 tho, a true succeser to bf2. The multi-player was ace. The maps where open enough to alow for some great tactical game play!
I'll get this for sure because bc1 multiplayer was pretty good. But i wont be buying it as BF3 as some of you seem to be looking at it.

It will play nothing like battle field, it will be strafe around people spraying and hope they die first game play as seen in the first bc and other console shooters like halo.

Would be great to get a bf3 tho, a true succeser to bf2. The multi-player was ace. The maps where open enough to alow for some great tactical game play!
Lol, dolphin diving. :P The player limit I read was 24 but it might be 32 like they are doing with BF 1943. 32 players though is exactly what you want because if you get 64 it turns into a stat padding fest. I'm still amazed at the graphics though. It looks like a CGI movie, Crysis or something.
I only ever play on 64 player maps on BF2. Much more open, more chances for you to use tactics and strategy to cap flags, and less of a "stat padding fest" as a 32 player server is, since shit is so close together.
The maps where open enough to alow for some great tactical game play!


Pretty confused about what some people are expecting from a game with the word Battlefield in the title. I mean, I love Bad Company, but I've never found them to be anything more than run and gun strafer killfests with little else inbetween, which is fine because it's good fun (for the most part) and I still play BC to this day. Looking forward to more, but yeah... not sure what people are looking for here.

24 players works just fine in BC if you ask me. It always seems that when people see a player cap they immediately think that 64 was the standard when in fact the maps tailored towards such a specific number are made so that they play just right with that number. BC's maps were all made so that 24 players feels just right. It's not as if a 64 player server always has 64 players on the same screen at once, a battle is usually always condensed to particular areas and BC just concentrates all of the environments to cater for them. The result is a very polished and well-made battlefield to go kill some folk in. I'm much more happier for it. The only game I feel a player count is important is Project Reality, but then that's in a completely different league of game when it comes to mechanics.
Everyone get the PC version so we can play together and not use shitty analog sticks for a FPS and have to deal with leagues of morons on xbox live.
Didn't they state they're working on a 'true' BF3? I'm pretty sure I read something along the lines of that they are trying to make it.
The graphics look pretty immense, hopefully the requirements aren't too steep.
Didn't they state they're working on a 'true' BF3? I'm pretty sure I read something along the lines of that they are trying to make it.

Yeah, its in production.. No real news or info on it yet though. I'll probably wait for the real BF3 so as to not spoil myself with over-saturation.
Didn't like Bad Company at all because everyone was a GD bullet sponge and it took to many dam bullets to kill someone. Ill pass on the dumbed down rubber bullet console gameplay. No Ill wait for the true BF3 being made for PC.
Everyone get the PC version so we can play together and not use shitty analog sticks for a FPS and have to deal with leagues of morons on xbox live.

It will probably have no dedicated servers, no anti-cheat, and GFWL. That seems to be the standard PC multiplayer setup for most cross-platform games nowadays.

Go ahead EA, prove me wrong, please!
EA haven't used GFWL yet in any of their titles have they?
It will probably have no dedicated servers, no anti-cheat, and GFWL. That seems to be the standard PC multiplayer setup for most cross-platform games nowadays.

Go ahead EA, prove me wrong, please!

But the developer is DICE so it's going to have dedicated ranked servers which cost ten times more than regular hosting, a crappy server browser (god forbid you click on those servers in the list that take forever to ping back), and punkbuster which runs 24/7 on your comp while kicking random people because they need to update pb manually all the while letting cheaters rampage because they're paying $10-15 a month to stay one step ahead of PB.
If the PC version is well-received, I might get this...BF1942 is still the most fun MP game I've ever played, and I played a bit of Vietnam, but I completely missed the BF2 train(a decision I still regret), and the ones afterward just don't interest me. Either this or the upcoming BF3 will be my return to the BF series.
THIS IS AWSOME!!!! BF2 WITH WAY BETTER GRAPHICS! Direct x 10? This is what i've been waiting for. completely destructable buildings now, chip away cover, best sound ever in a game. I'm gonna be playing this for awhile. Finally a reason to go SLI and upgrade my memory.
Since I still play BF2 quite often, I honestly can't wait for this game to come out. If it isn't BF3, that's fine, since the main reason I hated the first Bad Company was the requirement to use a controller, which there is absolutely no way I can get used to.
I'm really tempted by this game, I love the battlefield series :D
The limited edition elements might potentially damage what was a pretty near-finally polished experience. I love the gameplay as it is in BC, I'm a little concerned that the roles are all being split up into strange new categories but now... an extra machine gun for some tanks and then two things that were free to everyone in BC, the motion sensor on a tank and the spec op's tracer darts being taken away from everyone to be given to certain people only? What's all that about?

Still looking forward to it, and I'm not going to be like some knuckleheads on this forum and claim as fact what this game is going to be like without playing it, but still.

EDIT: I'm surprised that the Thompson from 1943 was voted as the weapon to be re-used in this, mind. I found it to be pretty useless overall, used the Garand the most meself.

EDIT2: Upon further investigation I have found out that limited edition costs no more extra, and also this.

Can I get the unlocks featured in the Limited Edition if I miss out and can only get the Standard Edition? Yes, won't have the same day 1 advantage. You'll have to play through game and get the unlocks the standard way.


That's okay, then. Well, sort of. Still a bit shitty but without being big-headed, I spend the first week of a game shooting up through levels fairly quickly as I sink a lot of time into newly purchased games. Getting through the first week of a game as soon as it goes online is all you need to establish yourself a good foothold for games to come.
Yeah it's still a bit shitty but not nearly as bad as some gaming sites made it sound(as though it was a permanent exclusive only to those got that edition)

Having it as a temporary advantage for those that get the Limited Edition, makes full sense business-wise IMO, it's a nice bonus for them, but it does not really alienate their other fans.

Anyone who makes a big deal now that they know it's only a temporary advantage, are overly sensitive IMO.