Not BF3 but might as well call it BF3.

I remember the BC1 beta/demo (I forget what it was - either way, nothing changed from that and the actual release so I'll call it a demo) with Oasis. That's a ****ing cool map. Too bad the map for this beta bares a similar theme but it still looks cool-as.
Have they revealed anything about the single player yet?
I can't find any info on it.

Is it worth getting the first game just for the singleplayer?
Have they revealed anything about the single player yet?
I can't find any info on it.

Is it worth getting the first game just for the singleplayer?

not really
the campaign gets pretty repetitive
I went to start the download/install on Lunch, but some random update appeared. I just updated the ****er over the weekend.
I just got my key from Gamespot and now I'm updating my PS3.

edit: Garg, check your PMs
I gave my key to TCfromBN. :( I really wish I had a PS3. *Btw check my last post. It has 2 places where they are still giving out keys.
Played it a bit last night, pretty good! can't wait for the PC version.
This game is absolutely amazing... This is a day one buy for sure (on PC as long as it performs good on my machine).

Let's get a game going together guys: PSN: briguy992
Few Q's:

How balanced is it? Is it hell for attackers to cap the points or hell for defenders to defend them?

How is the hit reg?

How do the guns feel? Or they strong sounding and feeling or weak and nimble? How many bullets does it take to bring someone down?

Its probably too early for some of these questions but oh well.
I played a little its fun but of course I suck with a stupid controller.
My god gaming on consoles looks so dull. I henceforth forbid myself to watch any future gameplay videos of this game that is filmed on consoles.

*shakes head in dismay*
turned the sensitivity up a bit and was getting a lot more kills. the controls still feel sluggish but they always have been this way. otherwise great game and its awesome
I LOLed at how the game said "EPIC FAIL" when the guy from the live feed fell to his death :D
I like what I'm hearing, it's definitely on my list now.

The fact that the beta is console-only is a bit worrying though. Let's just hope the PC version doesn't get screwed up like a certain other modern warfare game. I know they promised dedicated servers but that's not the only thing that can go wrong...
Well, that's good to hear.

I guess I'm skeptical of major PC releases after the whole MW2 issue, as well as a bunch of other big-name games with downgraded PC ports this year.
Well, that's good to hear.

I guess I'm skeptical of major PC releases after the whole MW2 issue, as well as a bunch of other big-name games with downgraded PC ports this year.
Dice said that BC2 will get full PC treatment. They may even release modding tools at some point but it's kinda complicated due to new engine.

The game will also support DX11.

So I wouldn't worry :D
Few Q's:

How balanced is it? Is it hell for attackers to cap the points or hell for defenders to defend them?

How is the hit reg?

How do the guns feel? Or they strong sounding and feeling or weak and nimble? How many bullets does it take to bring someone down?

Its probably too early for some of these questions but oh well.

The game seems fairly balanced. I've won fairly equally on both attacking and defending sides.

Hit detection seemed fine, no issues.

Guns feel absolutely amazing. They feel very strong, and their sound is top notch. They honestly have probably the best sounding war game, ever.

In terms of how much it takes to take someone out, it's on par with previous battlefields (takes more than the few bullets in CoD).

Oh, and yes the PC version should be great. I'm hoping for good performance, but I'll be able to judge next month when the PC beta is out :thumbs:
How are the vehicles?

I know a lot of people complain about vehicles in BF games and ask for more emphasis on infantry combat, but for me they're one of the main appeals of the series alongside the big maps. I loved driving tanks in BF1942 and its mods(I especially liked the auto-cannon APCs in Desert Combat and what little I played of BF2, I hope they're in BC2), and in the one video I saw of the beta, I saw almost no sign of them. I hope this isn't mostly Call of Duty with bigger maps.
How does it compare to bc1? is it more of the same?
How are the vehicles?

I know a lot of people complain about vehicles in BF games and ask for more emphasis on infantry combat, but for me they're one of the main appeals of the series alongside the big maps. I loved driving tanks in BF1942 and its mods(I especially liked the auto-cannon APCs in Desert Combat and what little I played of BF2, I hope they're in BC2), and in the one video I saw of the beta, I saw almost no sign of them. I hope this isn't mostly Call of Duty with bigger maps.
There is a LOT of infantry combat in this game. Although, when 2 tanks show up, from what I've experienced, people are retarded. Nobody will try to take them out. Now, tank VS tank battles are fun as hell. I can't wait until more armor gets introduced.

How does it compare to bc1? is it more of the same?

Well, let's just say I got bored of BC1 within the first hour. I've played this game a shit ton and don't plan on stopping.
I'm really in love with this game.

Also guys we should gather and play sometime. My PSN: DigiQ8
I'm really in love with this game.

Also guys we should gather and play sometime. My PSN: DigiQ8

Iced_Eagle and I played together last night. Was good fun. We should play tonight :D

Also, anybody having any issues getting their mic not working? I have a BlueTooth headset *that you use for phones* and it's worked in the past...but this time, I get them connected and it looks like it should work, but nobody can hear me. Is there some setting I need to enable or something?
Watch out for Pitz! He's such a troll :cheese:

Actually it was pretty awesome when we weren't on one of the worst teams ever (our first game we joined was in progress and the team couldn't leave their spawn to even try to attack the first crates thanks to tanks spawn camping). Pitz managed to win a game almost single-handedly, though I was right behind him and defended one of the crates from the baddies. :smoking:

I can't wait until the PC beta though. Playing this game with a controller feels wrong...

We'll have to get some more games with more people, maybe when PC beta is out?
Oh yeah, when the PC beta is out, I better get in. If I'm having this much fun with the PS3, then I can only imagine the amounts of enjoyment I'll get with a Keyboard/Mouse.

And as for being a troll, if the guy didn't tell me he was going to blow me up if I stood there, I wouldn't have started jumping. :laugh:
Pitz, what is your PSN name? I just got into the beta and cant wait to play.

Also, thanks Hool. :D
DICE has given more details about the PC version:

Up to 32 Players on PC (24 on consoles) - Play with up to 32 players online in the biggest multiplayer Maps in Battlefield. Each with a different tactical and gameplay focus set across a variety of environments.

Full DirectX 9, 10 & 11 Support - Immerse yourself in the Battlefield world as Frostbite engine brings tanks, planes, and explosions to vivid life on your PC. The game will fully support Windows XP, Vista, and 7 with new tech that further improves things like lighting and shadows.

Enhanced Gameplay - The PC version also includes wide peripheral support like Joysticks for flying, NVDIA 3D Vision, Logitech LCD Keyboards and VoIP Support plus a variety of specific features tailored for PC play.

Friend Support - Find your friends online with the new buddy list to see if and who is online so you can quickly join their game.

Dedicated Ranked Server - Everyone gets non-stop action with no connection penalties based on some other player's internet. Ranked Server Provider program will give players opportunity to rent their own server(s) located in professional grade datacenters, ability to modify settings like map rotation, create reserved slots for friends or clan members, kick & Ban players, and custom name your ranked server.

Clan Support & Private Servers - Independent Clan Tag, and ability to rent servers for hosting and controlling private password protected competitive servers with expanded control over the settings from public ranked servers.

PC Squad Play System - Updated from previous Battlefield PC titles now gives control of your squad before heading into combat.

Also news about the PC beta. It has been postponed to early next year:

The reason for this was the plan changed. Because of the huge success of the PS3 beta, the developers have decided to drastically increase the PC beta's capacity to make sure as many people as possible could participate. The only downside on this is that it means the beta is delayed to very early next year. They require the extra time for planning and implementing more optimizations.


That is the way to port a game to PC. Take notice, Infinity Ward.
The implication that you might have to rent your own dedicated server(rather than buying and running it yourself) is a bit suspicious, but still a lot better than flushing the whole system down the toilet like IW did. And If I'm not mistaken a big percentage of dedicated servers in other games are rented from big companies anyway.

Overall DICE are respecting the PC a lot more than IW did with MW2's development.
The implication that you might have to rent your own dedicated server(rather than buying and running it yourself) is a bit suspicious, but still a lot better than flushing the whole system down the toilet like IW did. And If I'm not mistaken a big percentage of dedicated servers in other games are rented from big companies anyway.

They are talking about ranked servers. BF2 had rent-only ranked servers the first couple of years after release as well.
PC beta delayed

They are talking about ranked servers. BF2 had rent-only ranked servers the first couple of years after release as well.

Ah, that makes sense. I remember when Penny Arcade commented on the MW2 controversy a few weeks ago(and took a very anti-PC stance), they used the rent-only servers as a point to attack the many people suggesting BC2 as an alternative. Good to see that they were as poorly-informed as I was.
Man, the PC beta is going to kick so much ass. This got me so hyped, I want to go play it MORE NOW. I just got done playing with Digi...we raped. I was 1st on team while Digi was 3rd. It was true teamwork!